Ask Dangerous Lee: I really like this boy but he’s 16 and I’m only 12 Posted on August 8, 2013January 2, 2021 By Dangerous Lee Ask questions…they look young and I’m sure they act immature too. Or is that how you like them? Name: Kaylean Question: I really like this boy and he’s 16 and I’m only 12 and a half. I have known this boy for 5 years and I never really seen him as a boyfriend until now. I asked him if he liked me and he said yes, but he wants to wait until we’re older, but I really don’t want to wait. What do I do?! Location: Mars What’s the rush? Wait! It’s best. You’re 12, a child. Enjoy his company, learn more about yourself and grow up. The fact that he as a 16 year old is telling you that he wants to wait is a blessing and it also means he’s respecting you and himself. You have all your life to “be with” a boy/man. Also, talk to your mom about this, sweetie. She really is the person that you should go to for help and advice on things like this. If not your mom some other adult female you trust. Like this:Like Loading... Related Ask Dangerous Lee datingdating older boysfamilyHomeMothersparentingSexual assaultteen datingteen sexteenagers
Ask Dangerous Lee Ask Dangerous Lee: Why are women suddenly falling into this realm of “Male Identity”? Posted on June 3, 2008March 2, 2018 Q: Why is it that women are suddenly falling into this realm of “Male Identity”? I appreciate the “aggressive” and “butch” personas, but why do so many 35+ women need to identify with their so-called “male” side? Help a sista understand! The Lesbian Goddess, NY, NY A: Ah, this is… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Ask Dangerous Lee Ask Dangerous Lee – Would you have sex on a first date? Posted on March 22, 2012January 2, 2021 Q: Would you have sex on a first date? Charles E. Flint, MI A: I never have, but that’s not to say that I never would. I think sex on the first date is okay as long as the people having sex are mature, honest, and have discussed what type of relationship… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Ask Dangerous Lee Ask Dangerous Lee – Can you believe a cheater when they say they want to be loyal? Posted on June 23, 2008January 2, 2021 Q: If you have a relationship and your mate has had a history of cheating on whomever they were with, can you believe them when they say they want to be loyal to you? I know this sounds like a dumb question. But sometimes we get in those situations. Hope… Like this:Like Loading... Read More