Why Facebook Can Kiss My Black Ass Posted on June 6, 2020April 3, 2023 By Dangerous Lee Over the years I have had many issues with Facebook including sharing content from this website that has led me to believe that the Facebook algorithm is biased and racist in more ways that one. Sidenote: I believe Google also has this problem. Read: Facebook Blocking Black Content Community Standards For the third time in recent months Facebook has put me on punishment because, to them, I have violated their community standards with hate speech. The above is a response I made in regard to a post that said “Stop sharing posts about Candace Owens.” If you aren’t familiar with her do a quick Google search. I refuse to link to her from my platform, that goes against my personal standards. But here’s the deal, she is a coon and is being used by Trump and the Republican party against us. I’m calling out one of our own! And when I say her day is coming, I mean just like Diamond and Silk, she will be tossed aside when her services are no longer needed. Fox News cut ties with Diamond and Silk after they spread misinformation about corona virus. However 45 still supports them, of course. Never heard of them either? Google those two coons as well for the tea. Stop Lying The image above shows a message that popped up on my account yesterday. Facebook, like most popular brands/companies, are speaking out in “support” of the Black community with copy and paste, insincere, racial justice lite messaging. They really have a lot of damn nerve if they think this basic ass two sentence statement makes a statement. Especially since Facebook and its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, are often trending for their sheisty policies on hate speech or because Facebook supports Trump. As my daughter says, “they pretend to be woke while censoring conversations on racism.” Racism Thrives on Facebook Definition of coon from Urban Dictionary. The first meaning is associated with a racoon. I don’t believe Facebook when they say they stand with the Black community against racism. Because they’ve shown me that they don’t. There was or maybe still is a group dedicated to “Christians” raising money in support of the killers of Ahmaud Arbery because they think all he had to do was stop when the men were hunting him down. I’m not sure if it’s still an active group but I do know that people reported the group and it continued to be active for several days. I’ve seen countless other examples of racist groups and racist posts or comments on Facebook and it often seems that they have to be reported to be taken down whereas me, a Black woman, calls a coon a coon or I call out men on their bullshit and I am put in Facebook jail within minutes. I’ve also observed Black people speaking in code when talking about White people. For example, using terms like “wyte” or “wypipo” to avoid being flagged as hate speech. Ain’t that a bitch? When discussing the racism that we face we are choosing to speak in code to avoid it being considered hate speech or going against community standards. Wow. Speaking in code is not a new thing for us (research slavery) but the fact that we do it when simply talking about our experiences or what is going on in the world is sick. We don’t have to put up with that. Speaking Truth To Power This has taught me that hate speech on Facebook is defined as speaking truth to power. You can get away with saying some wild shit if you’re not a supporter of Black Lives Matter and that’s why starting today I will no longer be posting on Facebook or Instagram (they’re owned by Facebook) other than to say I won’t be using them anymore in the future. I’ve been debating leaving Facebook for a while and I’m not very active there or on Instagram for that reason but I was using them to try and reach a wider audience. I’m over it now. Not many people are being exposed to my content anyway thanks to their algorithm. I will get to a point where I will not use either platform at all, including to view content, which will be hard because as you know everyone who’s anyone uses both websites heavily. I’ll just have to miss out. Wanna reach me? Contact me here and I’m still on Twitter, for now. 2022 Update I do check in to Facebook from time to time and I do post on my personal profile sometimes as well. I also promote products from my online boutique with a Facebook and Instagram page, so unfortunately I am still using both platforms. It’s hard to run an online business as a solopreneur and not use either platform in some capacity but I continue to struggle with that choice. Like this:Like Loading... Related Blogs by Dangerous Lee Rants, Essays, and Think Pieces Black people on Facebookcommunity standardsDoes Facebook support the Black communityFacebook issuesRacism on Facebooktruth to powerWhy Facebook sucksWhy you should delete your Facebook account
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Blogs by Dangerous Lee Men don’t smile all day. Why should we? Posted on September 21, 2014January 8, 2024 After an SMH and eye roll worthy real-life experience I took to Facebook and asked: Men: Does it usually “work” when the first words you say to a woman are – “Why you look so mean? Smile!” ? — feeling curious. Post by Leigh Langston. It doesn’t matter if you… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Blogs by Dangerous Lee L. Burner, Director of The Rise of Eve Documentary, Talks To Dangerous Lee About Her #MeToo Moments Posted on July 26, 2018July 19, 2019 HEAD PHOTO: Dangerous Lee and L. Burner at the NYC red carpet premiere of The Rise of Eve, July 2018. The Rise of Eve is a documentary film by L. Burner that examines sexual persecution and violence against women throughout history within various cultures that places the blame of the… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Neither seem to like to responses of Black people. FB is freaking rasist! I am going to leave the cybercides site Suckerberg needs to go!
Word girl, I hear you loud and clear! Just left Facebook the other day, done making excuses for others, speaking my truth is my highest truth from now on!