Tips for Creating a Successful Marketing Strategy Posted on July 20, 2021December 11, 2021 By Leigh Langston Every business needs a standout marketing plan because it drives business and gives direction. And in a world where resources—and money—aren’t unlimited, the best marketing plan keeps customers engaged without breaking the bank. Use these tips for creating a successful marketing strategy as you work to further your business. Know Your Challenges The first step is to note what obstacles you need to overcome. Challenges could include: Location: If your business is customer service–oriented, are you in a high-traffic area?Competitors: What are competitors doing, and how are their marketing plans working for them?Engagement: Are customers engaging with your business, or do you blend in with the competition? Once you’ve nailed down your challenges, you can begin creating goals centered around these. But remember to make these goals within reach and to set a deadline for when you’d like to meet them. Pro Marketing Tip Many industry experts use SMART goals. This stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-based. As you draw up a plan and create your goals, be sure to use this as a baseline. An example of a SMART goal is setting a target of seeing a 5% increase in customers within a specified time frame.  Keep It Customer Focused Your business wouldn’t operate without customers, so keep your goals and plan centered around customer experience. This includes new and current customers. T Too often, companies draw up new marketing strategies and neglect their current customers in favor of targeting a new group. This isn’t just problematic—it’s one of the major marketing pitfalls to avoid. Think about the experience customers have as they interact with your brand, ranging from when they’re shopping in person to interacting with your company’s online presence. With awareness of their experience, you’ll begin understanding how they view you and what you need to change. You may even want to test your changes on a segment of your target audience to gauge its reaction to the marketing shifts. Get Everyone Involved You need a plan that’s measurable and customer oriented and that also includes employees. You should consider everyone who interacts with your business—including your employees—in your marketing plan. Find out what they’ve noticed and where they see areas for growth. Why is this tip for creating a successful marketing strategy so important? Because it’s easy to overlook front line employees. The employees who work in your storefront are interacting with customers. These employees will understand customers’ wants and needs firsthand. Once you’ve set your plan, it’s time to implement the changes and start testing! Like this:Like Loading... Related Marketing customer focusedincluding employees in marketing planmarketing challengesmarketing tipssuccessful marketing strategy
Marketing Unique Ways To Advertise Your Small Business Posted on July 28, 2021September 18, 2023 Marketing is probably one of the most overlooked business areas when a person first starts a new company—the reason is that people think it costs them too much. More people need to understand that there are plenty of cheap or even free ways to market their products or services. So,… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Marketing 5 Lazy Mistakes You’re Making with Your Business Website and Social Media and How To Fix Them Now Posted on July 17, 2019April 13, 2024 DIGITAL MARKETING BUSINESS TIPS If you’re anything like me, you are a Black woman running a business website with little to no staff. You’re a solopreneur! It can be very overwhelming, time consuming, and tedious but it can also be done successfully and there are no excuses for not getting… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Blogs by Dangerous Lee Dangerous Lee on the Woes of Being a Black Woman Solopreneur on the Derek Duvall Show Posted on August 22, 2022January 30, 2024 Listen to my interview on the Derek Duvall Show as I discuss things like the perils of being a Black woman business owner, safer sex practices, colorism, Michael Jackson, Dangerous Lee Publishing and much more. It’s the first interview I have done in several years because I’ve been so focused… Like this:Like Loading... Read More