Michelle Johnson Invents The Hair Weight: Hairstyling Tool That Prevents Shrinkage Posted on December 6, 2018February 27, 2024 By Dangerous Lee What is a hair weight? A tool to prevent hair shrinkage and elongate curls. BLACK FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR INVENTS HAIR STYLING TOOL FOR WOMEN WITH NATURAL HAIR Michelle Johnson (Amtu) is the CEO & Founder of Amtu Hair Art & Tools, a product design company which specializes in hair accessories and styling tools. Their latest and most exciting product is the Hair Weight, which is their most recent patented styling tool invention for natural hair. The Hair Weight is an accessory and styling tool all-in-one utilized as a natural way to stretch the curl out and prevent hair shrinkage while styling and preparing your hair. It can be worn as an accessory clipped onto a section of the hair throughout the day and allows for a heat-free and chemical-free option to safely stretch your hair and elongate the curl to its natural length. Why You Should Try Them There are a number of reasons as to as why the Hair Weight is such a great product for the natural hair community, among them is that it’s a great on-the-go traveler’s hairstyling tool for natural hair women. A natural hair carefree dream. Michelle Johnson (Amtu) founded the company, Amtu Hair Art & Tools, after taking on the natural hair lifestyle herself. She quickly realized there needed to be more accessories and tools available for natural hair women, and there just weren’t enough options. She lived in South Asia briefly and remained in touch with many of her colleagues there, whom she invited to work with her in the design process of her current hair accessories and styling tool collection. She believes the integration of culture and blending that with design and innovation is one of their great characteristics as a product design company. Michelle comments, “I believe the way we work well as a team is also an aspect of our success, respecting the expertise and crafts of our colleagues, and allowing that to flow.” For more details, visit AmtuHairTools.com. Like this:Like Loading... Related Beauty & Fashion News Amtu Hair Art & ToolsBlack hairBlack hair accessoriesBlack hair carehair weights for natural hairhair weights for stretchinghair weights for twistshair weights to stretch hairhow to make natural hair longerMichelle Johnsonnatural hairnatural hair carestretching natural hairThe Hair Weightweighted clips for hairweighted hair clips
News Tips for Black Women Navigating the Divorce Process Posted on December 14, 2020December 14, 2020 Going through a divorce is a big event that can have major effects on your life. When you’re a Black person, and especially a Black woman in the US, the divorce process can be even more stressful and frustrating. Understanding how to navigate the process can help make things easier…. Like this:Like Loading... Read More
News Young Industries That Could Use More Black Female Representation Posted on October 26, 2020October 24, 2020 Diversity is a huge benefit to any industry. Different opinions from varying backgrounds can help business owners provide a product that works for everyone. For example, some industries have a scarce number of Black women applying for them. If you are looking to make an impact, here are some industries… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
News Lessons Business Owners Can Learn From Ozark Posted on April 29, 2022July 14, 2023 Sometimes you have to be ruthless. In Ozark, Jason Bateman and Laura Linney play a husband-and-wife team, Marty and Wendy Byrde, who are trying to launder money for a Mexican drug cartel. They move their family from Chicago to the rural Missouri Ozarks region, and Marty sets up an incredibly… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
I am so interested in trying these weights I believe they will help my hair when I try to fix it myself, see I have arthritis so bad in my hands so when I’m able to fix my own hair it would stay for a long time I just don’t have the money to go to salon as much my disability check is partial so I live off a little check. But I really believe it will help my hair grow too. And my hair would be easy to handle the braids would stay in place too. Thank you for listening