A Day In The Life of Being Called a Nigger Posted on August 23, 2008August 29, 2019 By Dangerous Lee I was driving in downtown Flint today and there were many streets blocked off because of The Crim race. I could not make a left turn so I proceeded to go straight. A woman in a van behind me was upset, and to be honest that’s fine. I understood the anger and could deal with a car horn blowing at me non-stop for 10 seconds. I knew they were really pissed as I continued to drive in front of them for a minute more as they rode my ass. When they got a chance to move around me they did so and the heffa in the drivers seat yelled NIGGER as she drove by! Was that necessary? I mean I could see calling me a BITCH or an ASSHOLE, but a NIGGER? I hadn’t been called a NIGGER out loud in ages. If I was a hood chick I would have followed her raggedy ass Mystery Machine van and kicked her ass or if I was a thug chick I would of shot her ass. Actually for all she knows I could have written down her license plate number and maybe me and my girls plan to whoop her ass later. You just never know. However, my friends, these are the times we live in and Black people are always gonna be considered NIGGERS. I’m sure you’re wondering what my reaction was, right? Well, I honked my horn and said “Fuck you, bitch!”. I’m sure she didn’t hear me, and I was hoping to get a good position so that she could hear me call her “Honky Trash”, which I did later, but I’m sure she didn’t hear that either. Yes, I do believe that two wrongs make a right in some cases. It made me feel better for a moment until I remembered that I will always be a NIGGER to some people. That bothers me. I mean, I already knew that. Most if not all Black people, if they are being honest know what a certain sect of people think of us but when someone calls you a NIGGER, even in a cowardly manner, it stings. It’s meant to sting but when I hear it I feel like I’m in a time machine. I mean, how dumb are you to be calling me a NIGGER. You’ve got a lot of nerve. Anyone that considers people NIGGERS is a fool and being insulted by a fool sucks! Maybe if she did hear me my ass would be kicked and I’d be in the emergency room. As I said you just never know, but I do know that people are really bold in their cars. About a month ago as I was waiting at a red light; someone in a car to my left threw an object at me and it hit me in the head. I looked over and it was two young White people laughing their asses off with their window rolled up. They were making a left turn and I was going forward. If I had something hard and heavy in my car I would of thrown it at them and broke their damn window. I bet that would of taken the smile off their faces. I really wanna know where people get the balls to do shit like that. I’m sure I’m not their first victim, but as they always say; you will eventually run up on the wrong one and it will be your last rock thrown and the last time you shout NIGGER. People really are lucky that I don’t fully live up to my name. Note: All offensive NIGGER images were found using Google. Like this:Like Loading... Related Blogs by Dangerous Lee Rants, Essays, and Think Pieces Vintage Dangerous Lee Black peopleN WordNiggerRace and ethnicity in the United States Censusracismroad rageUnited StatesWhite people
Blogs by Dangerous Lee The Trouble With Booty Hair Posted on October 17, 2014April 12, 2018 Booty hair. That sounds funny doesn’t it? I hate being a hairy woman. Booty hair, like pubic hair (I’m sure they’re an extension of each other) has a purpose but I grow what I consider to be an excessive amount of both. Anal hair tickles me (not literally). Not just… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Blogs by Dangerous Lee Movie Review: Jack and Jill Posted on November 16, 2011January 11, 2022 This is the first time that I have seen an Adam Sandler film in theatres. It was OK, some funny parts, many goofy ass parts. My mom thought it was hilarious! Al Pacino‘s role was ridiculous and the cameos by Johnny Depp and David Spade were equally ridiculous. I also… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
The Best Movie Soundtracks According to Dangerous Lee Posted on January 8, 2013April 12, 2018 In no particular order. Â Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Endless millions of comments one way or another concerning only blacks tells me everything I need to know about them.
personally she was prob jealous cause you fine…and she well lets just say….she fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down. with her face no less…mad love to dangerous…brian behave from the west side of OTOWN….
Wow people is so silly the way you talk & what you say makes you the person you are the dude called you ignorant who really want him & any type office if any of them big white boys see the crap he wrote he will probley be scrubbin floors @ burger king i’m not even close to bein a person runnin for any type office but i do know stupid my peoples told me to always think before you speak i guess he was sleep that day anyway i sorta have a simular situations well my wife is the nicest young lady i know she was @ work this old white lady was just talking trash now my wife heard her but she at work so you know you have to hold it in by time the lady got up to her she called her a BLACK NIGGA well that was my wife last day at that job as soon as the word came from her mouth some spit came from my wife mouth now i said that cause every day is a struggle for us in this country we have friends we have so called friends lets just called them friendamies now we try to be nice with white people but is it really workin sry 4 that comment it’s just i get so upset when a brother or sister vents on a situation such as this i’m not a racist i just have deep feelings for someone who has been a victem of a hate crime i think you was right 4 what you did if you would have chased them your ass would probley be locked up to any one who read this it’s not all black people its not all white people it’s that few people that have their own mind set on how they wanna live their life no i don’t wanna go outside walk up to a white guy & say how you doin CRACKKKA or HONKKKY no i choose not to cause i’m smarter & better guess i got that nigga brain you was a strong sister for not acting a ass at that time & i know you know we do good jobs @ that if it was me i would be locked up cause i’m so weak that shit would have been fun 4 me GOD BLESS YOU SIS STAY STRONG
There is nothing you can do to change a racist. Most racist have been raised from childhood to adulthood to believe this is acceptable behavior. And don’t think because a White woman marries a Black man she still can’t be racist. My husband was bi-racial and my mother-in-law was married to a man much darker than I. My mother-in-law would say I looked like a Jamaican, call me nigger, jiggaboo and other names. I was raised to respect my elders so most of her ignorant comments I ignored until she attacked my children and then the war was on. She was so shock and I don’t know why, because if you can dish it out you should be able to take it as well. My husband would say to her what is wrong with Jamaicans this even baffled him. lol We think our people are beautiful people, no matter where they come from. She was just angry because he had not married a light complex Black woman. lol He saw my heart and knew I was a good person. For the most part don’t waste your time with people who act like this. You risk your health and the stress is not worth it. They will not understand that what they do is wrong. They even believe they have a different God than we have. Move on and count your blessing that your parents didn’t raise you to be as ignorant as they can be.
I am a white male..and I do like black people..just not niggers..there is a difference..just like the difference between being white and white trash. If you are driving and do something selfish with no regards to others , and if you are black, then you showed you are a nigger..if white folks do that then they are aholes or dumb mofos ..same thing..different words..I guess I could yell “black trash”. If the word “nigger” offends the black race so much, why use it to talk to each other. Most hyprocritical arguement I have ever heard. Why is it in other races there is not one word, when used to each other that creates such an uproar. It is only a word. heck alot of black people dont like niggers themselves. Just look at the black population that has moved to the suburbs. They know what time it is.
Another ignorant response. Disobeying a traffic law does not make someone a nigger. Asshole or dumb muthafucker I can understand and tolerate, but they’re not the same at all! You know this, but you felt the need to come here and try to prove a point to me. You’ve failed and come across ignorant just like Adam. Spare me with the it’s only a word and Black people use it on each other argument. Also, Black people live in the suburbs because we can afford to live there. It’s not about separating ourselves from other Black people. Suburbs are not Whites Only, sweetheart. Harley, Harley, Harley….you’re also a very interesting man and newsflash, you don’t like Black people and the feeling is probably mutual.
Hello well I on Blackplanet and I read the article i think the driver of that car needs a lesson in race relations what do you think about a blanket party we throw one all in her honor we can wear black hooded sheets with the words in white bold lettering NIGGERS and scare the shit out of her But of course we are better people then that. Encounters Like That will continue unfortunately have. so have a blessed day and may God bless you . Yours truly Topdogsnow Monday, August 25, 2008,
Yes, many of us need a lesson in race relations. I received a message from someone on MySpace who read about my experience and asked why didn’t I fight back or speed up? They totally missed the point of what I am saying here. A few messages later they went on to say that Black people are too sensitive about EVERYTHING and that as a society we’re too feminine and then he also went on to say that because shit talking is so common place now in things like sports that had I been White there may have been a chance that I would of been called White Trash! I seriously doubt that another White person would of called me White Trash in this situation. That doesn’t even make sense. This person is actually running for some sort of political office. Lawd have mercy! As a matter of fact…read our entire conversation here. He has since been blocked. I don’t need to be “MySpace friends” with anyone who would call me nigger under any circumstances. Note – Start at the beginning: END: You didn’t get the point of my post at all. Read it again, carefully. Me acting a damn fool would not have resolved anything and obviously as I stated in my first message to you…I am not ignorant, so I don’t feel the need to react violently. I am not afraid of crossing the line or confrontation. I just don’t have time for stupid shit. I choose my battles wisely. I still don’t care to understand where you’re coming from because in my opinion you’re very ignorant as well. The fact that you would resort to calling me a nigger because I ran over your cat on purpose or wrecked your car says a lot about you. This conversation is over for me. If you feel the need to reply that is up to you. —————– Original Message —————– From: Adam Ford – for State House Dist. 34 Date: Aug 25, 2008 5:07 PM Some white guys might have a problem with it but I don’t think I’d be worried about getting shot. Most white people are smart enough to realize how offensive the n word is. I would have to be really pissed at a black person to use it. Like if you ran over my cat on purpose or wrecked my car I might use it but not if you were just driving like an old grandma. King didn’t seem to carry the anti-war stuff as far as I would have liked. youtube.com/watch?v=92-r05TH9qs&feature=related Malcolm X seems slightly apologetic. youtube.com/watch?v=SzuOOshpddM King and Malcolm x did NOT back down on race issues but King seemed to not go full tilt on the anit-war stuff that he was heavily criticized for perhaps as much from the black community as the white. King is mainly only remembered for his civil rights stuff. I would have liked it if he’d have made more of a stand on the anti-war stuf as well. Sorry to continue this but you didn’t understand where I was coming from. Why are you so scared of confrontation and crossing the line? You complain about some dumb white racist b*** calling you a n***** but you let her get away with it. If I would have been in the car I would NOT have let her get away with it if I knew it offended you which it obviously did. If you ddn’t care I still might not have let her get away with it for entertainment purposes. —————– Original Message —————– From: Dangerous Leeâ„¢ Date: Aug 25, 2008 4:40 PM You do realize that the difference is that you would be talking to another White person. However, I highly doubt that all White guys would be OK with you addressing them in that manner. Regardless you or any other White person would not openly address a Black person as nigger no matter what. Black people are not sensitive about everything as you stated and this situation and others like it have nothing to do with being “feminine”. Seems like you’re a lil’ clueless when it comes to women and race relations. The fact that you feel like people such as King and Malcolm X “backed down” adds to my conclusion. You’re an interesting fellow to say the least. Let’s just end the conversation here before it crosses a very thin line. Again, thanks for the feedback… —————– Original Message —————– From: Adam Ford – for State House Dist. 34 Date: Aug 25, 2008 4:17 PM Guys aren’t as sensitive as girls especially white guys. I could go up to a random white and say what’s up you stupid cocks****ing cracker and he’d probably be like “wtf?” I’m not sure why black people are so sensitive about everything though. When I talk to white guys I can joke around and trash talk to them but I’m generally more careful when I talk to black people. I think our culture is a little too feministic. Eventually I’ll probably have the political lynch mob come after me like they did King and Wright and Malcolm X but I might not back down like them. —————– Original Message —————– From: Dangerous Leeâ„¢ Date: Aug 25, 2008 4:05 PM Sorry to hear it’s so common. Thanks for the insight. Nothing ceases to amaze me… —————– Original Message —————– From: Adam Ford – for State House Dist. 34 Date: Aug 25, 2008 3:07 PM My point was racial slurs are a form of trash talking which is common in sports and particularly guys. Although racial slurs may be more serious than other expletives signals etc. If you were white there’s a chance they might have called you white trash for going so slow which is another racial slur. Peace, hun. —————– Original Message —————– From: Dangerous Leeâ„¢ Date: Aug 25, 2008 2:51 PM Interesting that you want to make this a debate on subjects that have nothing to do with my situation. Thanks for the feedback, Adam! Have a good week. —————– Original Message —————– From: Adam Ford – for State House Dist. 34 Date: Aug 25, 2008 1:04 PM You need to get you some ignorant white friends then so they can trash talk back at the rednecks. lol If you’re not “ignorant” why bother to post what ignorant people say to you? Also people trash talk in sports all the time or is sports also ignorant. I’m also a trash talker when it comes to socialist politicians who are running our country in the ground. Am I ignorant for being hard core patriotic? —————– Original Message —————– From: Dangerous Leeâ„¢ Date: Aug 25, 2008 11:14 AM Cuz I’m not ignorant! —————– Original Message —————– From: Adam Ford – for State House Dist. 34 Date: Aug 25, 2008 10:51 AM Why didn’t you drive faster or fight back? BEGINNING
yes its a shame people are still slinging the n word, and the white people kids are calling themselves the n word. you did good to let it ride, remember what goes around comes around, once in columbus a car full of black guys gave a white man the finger and to show off in front of the prostitute in his car he chased them down and caught them and they killed him. when it hit the papers his wife was embarrassed he was paying for sex.
NIGGER……….We will always be considered this to the white people. I was just fired from my job of 14 years for standing up for myself against this word. For 14 years being the only woman, let alone black woman in the field of work I was doing was not accepted by the white man. These ignorant nasty people come to my employment for help. When they realized I was the only one knowledgeable enough to help them, they couldn’t deal with it. I complained to my boss everyday about the way people talked to me. I took a lot of harassment being a single mom trying to raise two children. My children both graduated high school (son 3 yrs ago) (daughter June 19Th 08) June 24Th 08 I was fired. I refused to allow anyone to talk to me any way they felt like it anymore. Something in me just snapped and I just told my boss and his wife how I felt about them. Now for all the years other people called me NIGGER, I know under their breath that day they were saying the same thing. Ignorance will always be here as will we. We as black people are thee most beautiful, intelligent being here. Rise above the word NIGGER and get that DEGREE in whatever you want. Don’t let THE MAN, no matter what race hold you back. People are afraid of what they don’t understand. We the (NEGRO RACE) are beautiful people. For all those racist Caucasians, don’t fear us, don’t hate us, because no matter what you say or do WE LOVE US. I think any intelligent person knows that WHITE IS A CURSED COLOR……..BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL OF THEM ALL…..I’M BLACK, BEAUTIFUL AND MOST OF ALL PROUD AND SO ARE MY CHILDREN AS WILL BE MY GRANDCHILDREN………..PEACE, LOVE & SOUL
Dangerous Lee, I can’t believe that story. For those that don’t know me, I have 2 kids, a girl 16 and a boy 13 in Sept. I remember when he was about 8 or 9 years old, I had to sit him down and explain 2 words to him. One was the C word and the other the N word. It made me sick to know that I had to explain to him what this word was and how sick the word made me. Kids at that age are using language like that. I help back the tears, because even though I am a white woman I find this word ignorant. I would never use it under any circumstances because that word IS NOT in my vocabulary. I also told my kids “If I EVER hear that you said those words, you’re going to lose some teeth.” I blame parents for this behavior. There will always be racism in the world as long as ignorance is accepted. Unfortunately we live in a world that has a fair amount of ignorance. I’ve taught my children from day one to accept people the way they are. Color is not an issue. It’s all based on how someone treats you and how warm their heart is. Much love to you, Dangerous Lee, as always !!
Well, look at it like this sis. Obviously this wicked witch of a white woman didn’t get out of the car to tell you you were a nigger. Had she stopped to tell you, she wouldn’t have made it to the destination she was so in a rush to as she passed by. In fact, the only two other destinations she may have been wheeled to next was the ER or Morgue. Eitherway, you would have been the only one to suffer at the hands of Johnny Law. I wouldn’t want to see anymore of my Godesses go down for Crooked Crackers anyway. Stay strong though sis, come Innaguration Day with a “Nigger” in office, white folk will change that tune. And on that day, I’ll go about backhanding any white person, I deem needing it.
Restraint, you held it together. I am teacher in the Mytle Beach area of SC and that word is only considered name calling in the classroom. Administrators do not realize how that word can stop an educated women in her tracks and cause them to come out of their face so to speak. In the words of Vivica Fox ” No, this trick didn’t”. I would probally drove up beside her and toke her back to 1865 to really whip that ass just because she slipped ….(let me stop). Hate breads anger and the most composed person can loose it. I am waiting for some one to slip and call Barack and Michelle Obama them out of their name…You know that woman was not going to stop!
See, that’s a trip. You’re doing your job and the first thing out of her mouth is “Black Nigger”. I guess that makes her a “White Nigger”. I’ll have to use that one next time.
sister i know how u feel. i work at walmart and we have a rule that u dont take buggies full of merchandise in the rest room. and as i was trying to get in the rest room the buggy was behind the door so i had to push the door really hard to get in so anyway i told the customer that she was not suppose to have it in the rest room. so i did what i had to do and as i was coming out the rest room i heard her talking to another person and she called me a black nigger and my blood pressure went sky high. i wanted to beat her ass. but i had to think about my child and i know i need my job. but if i would have seen her again i dont know what i would have did or said to her. so i know how u felt. there r still ignorant people out there and we just have to look over them. you have a blessed day
that happen to me before and i’m glad you show great retraint i’ did not do the same thing. i followed the car and confronted the white man and made his azz apologized to me on the street..
In the next several months ahead, we will see the ugly head of rabid white racism rise up to thwart perceived threats to their stability. It is going to get very ugly in America in the next year! The worse off economically the more stuff we will see — rise in hate crimes, police brutality, etc. I recall speaking with the greatest boxer boxer of our time, Muhammad Ali, and I was so busy giving him accolades, etc. but when I finished between taking breaths he would say to me, “Still a nigger, boy.” He kept saying it to me until it dawned on me what he was trying to tell me — despite your education, achievements, etc, you are still a “boy nigger” in the eyes of most whites. Black Americans who achieved much are not respected in their own country. Look @ Wayne Short, the greatest musical composer of the 20th Century, only gets his proper dues in Europe & Asia! The list goes on! Peace out. Hebrew
we just had a heinous racial beating (including n-word calling) in downtown philly, against 2 african-american college students. they were attacked because they gave assistance when they witnessed another african-american getting jumped by the same 7 whites that attacked them. even the white policemen who vouched 4 the heroism & victimization of the 2 college students said that they could’nt believe the barbarism of the whites. …but in philly, this type of attack is not common, cause whites will get their asses kicked, so whites in philly usually keep their racism to themselves. but, dangerouslee, the whites in flint sound too comfortable with their overt racism, so u need to start taking pictures & license plate numbers cause hate crimes r a federal offense. when whites start getting sued for financial damages, along with some prison time, i think you’ll see a change in flint. this is the strategy that african-americans in the south began 2 institute against the klan with marked results. please don’t do anything physical unless it is in self-defense cause the white government spends trillions of our tax dollars to imprison us nationwide. a financial payout 2 you will club convicted racists over the head – they can attempt 2 recover from that concussion. Tricky raps it best: “… i shouted out now let me hear u say “nigger.” A LUTA CONTINUA!
It is very disheartening when people act in such racist ways, but it is out of ignorance and fear. As an Africian American woman I have had many of the same kind of experiences through out my life, and I now know that the people that do this are fearful of their position in society. And now with Sen. Barack Obama running for president, and having a good chance at getting in the White House, the racist whites are probably reacting to their insecurities. It’s like my uncle said one day, our time is coming back around, and if we can learn from our history, we might be able to have a longer, and better run this time. We definitely need to be as unified as possible, cause intuition tells me that hate groups like the KKK and others are getting prepared for uprising, and what are we doing? Our soldiers (black youngsters) are making babies, without having the necessary resources to raise them, and making poor decisions in too many areas, in every neigborhood, not just the hood. When I believe, they should be learning how to live a productive life. Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us, it’s just letting us know once more, that we are, and will always be hated as a people. They (whites and others) fear our strength, and we under estimate it. Oh and remember, she was the one acting like a nigger, not you!!
If they had not been next to me I would of gotten their license plate number as I figured throwing something at me is against the law. Thanks!
Also, you should know anyone throwing anything at you or your car is in violation of the law. They can be charge with throwning a missile, there was a case in VA last year about a black woman who threw a cup at a car and was looking at some serious time. So also, keep that mind, write down the license and report these stupid, stupid people
I had no idea that being called a nigger was an act of violence and she could of been arrested for it! Wow! I’m sure had a cop been around nothing would of happened though, but that is good to know. You must also remember that I live in a town where you can be fined and arrested for sagging pants.
Hi Dangerous, What can I say? I have to admit that no one has ever called me nigger to my face or where I’ve heard them but I have been discriminated against. Still, isn’t it funny how this word still hurts us like a knife to the heart after all this time? I am proud that you were the bigger person and controlled yourself, but you know what? Her calling you that is now considered an act of violence by law. You know that right? If there had been a cop around at the time, you could have reported her. She was a fool and she doesn’t know that racial slurs are now considered a punishable act of violence by law. The stupid heifer. I can imagine how upset you got. You probably saw red. Wonder if the bitch is on My Space? LOL. Seriously, Lee, you did the right thing. Also, she is more than lucky she ran into YOU because I know many black women (that aren’t even from the hood), I mean upper class, educated black women who still would have followed her ass and snatched her out that car and given her the ass whipping of her life! Believe me, you and I are one in a million. If it had been any other black woman then that so-called lady would have gotten a severe beat down or worse. Also, she’s not only ignorant but stupid. You can’t be outwardly rude with people like that these days. It’s 2008, not 1988. She keeps going on like this then she’ll run into the wrong “nigger” and could end up in a grave. What goes around comes around, Lee. You should receive satisfaction and closure from this horrible situation simply knowing that. Stay the great, positive woman you are and continue to spread positivity and joy!
I admire you for your restraint and applaud you for your willingness to rise above the situation and avoid further confrontation with a woman who doesn’t deserve to be acknowledged for her inherent ugliness but instead pitied for her ignorance and left to lead her miserable, mundane, myopic and sad life far away from sane and civil society.