Smurfs 3D
Absolutely hated The Smurfs 3D! Before seeing the film, I hated the idea of the Smurfs even being made into a live action film.
Was this really needed or necessary? No. Which movie exec said, “You know what we need, a live action Smurfs film!”.
No, we didn’t, and we especially did not need them to arrive in chaotic-ass New York City.
I hated the way the smurfs looked, acted, and I hated their voices each time one of them failed to say something cute or clever.
Furthermore, watching Neal Patrick Harris play a doting heterosexual husband and expectant father was a joke. The man is openly gay, and yes I know he’s an actor, but he wasn’t convincing.
3D For What?
This movie was stupid, very stupid, and seeing it in 3D was not a plus because there were only a few scenes where outstanding 3D imagery came into play.
The kids will love this because they don’t know any better, but you will be begging for it to be over long before the credits roll.
PS: Gargamel sucks too!
Did you get bit by a Smurf when you were a child?
I was a fan of the Smurfs cartoon growing up. The movie sucks. I call it like I see it.
Damn girl lol it was that bad huh…