Chris Tucker Live: A Review Posted on November 23, 2014April 12, 2018 By Dangerous Lee Chris Tucker Re-tweeted Me! “Christmas Tucker” is in reference to a joke he tells about Michael Jackson giving him a new name. Too funny!!! Chris Tucker Live is Worth It! I had the pleasure of seeing Chris Tucker live at the beautiful FOX Theatre in Detroit. He was hilarious! Had tons of new material and was entertaining as hell. The show, surprisingly, was not a sell out but if you weren’t in attendance you really missed out but you can watch it on Netflix. His was the second live stand up that I’ve seen at the FOX Theatre. The first was Martin Lawrence who did not put on a good show at all. Most of the material was from his popular You So Crazy stand up routine and he was on stage for less than an hour. This was not my first time seeing Chris Tucker live. When I was a youngster (and so was Chris) I saw him perform at a local club in Flint. The show was cancelled during his performance because he got into a fight with a girl who was heckling him in the audience. I remember that leaving a bad taste in my mouth for him and his comedy over the years but somehow by the time the first Rush Hour came out he was back in my good graces. I still can’t believe he fought a woman, tho. To be young, crazy, high and dumb. Like this:Like Loading... Related Blogs by Dangerous Lee Movie, Concert, and Book Reviews Vintage Dangerous Lee Chris TuckercomedydetroitFOX TheatrefunnyMartin Lawrencemichael jacksonNetflixstand up
Movie, Concert, and Book Reviews Charly Emery Praises Keep Your Panties Up and Your Skirt Down Posted on May 5, 2011March 14, 2018 Hello Dangerous Lee, I just had to tell you that I finally had an opportunity to read a sample of your book, and I applaud you for your creativity in delivering such an important resource in a way that will powerfully speak to those who need it. We write about… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Blogs by Dangerous Lee Movie Review: Hanna Posted on September 19, 2011December 16, 2020 When viewing the trailer for this film, I was not impressed and had no desire to see it. My thought was; so what, another female assassin flick. Big deal! I was also weary because her name is “Hanna“. All I could think about what Hannah Montana! However, Hanna does have… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Blogs by Dangerous Lee Jada Pinkett-Smith Thinks You’re a Covert Pedophile – So Do I! Posted on May 9, 2014July 7, 2023 Jada Pinkett-Smith has come to the defense of her young daughter, Willow Smith. The 13-year-old raised eyebrows this week when photos were shared of her lying in bed with shirtless 20-year-old actor, Moises Arias. Due to the “suggestive” nature of the shots, rumors swirled that the pair, who are seven… Like this:Like Loading... Read More