Ask Dangerous Lee: Why is it that no African-American knows who Roscoe Robinson, Jr. is? Posted on January 19, 2012March 1, 2017 By Dangerous Lee Q: Why is it that no African-American knows who Roscoe Robinson, Jr. is? Every American should be proud of what he accomplished. Sel Graham Austin Texas A: I agree that every American should be proud of what Mr. Robinson accomplished in his lifetime, but I do not agree that no African American knows who he is. There are Americans, Black and White that know who he is. Keepin’ it real, I did not know who he was until I performed a web search on him, but are you really surprised that he is not more well known? Most Black people in America do not get the recognition that they deserve. Thank you for bringing Mr. Roscoe Robinson, Jr. to my attention so that I can introduce him to many others. Without further ado, I bring to you, Roscoe Robinson, Jr. Got questions? Like this:Like Loading... Related Ask Dangerous Lee Africanafrican-americanBlack HistoryBlack peopleMartin Luther KingRace and ethnicity in the United States CensusRoscoe Robinson Jr.
Ask Dangerous Lee Ask Dangerous Lee – Why is Detroit so violent? Posted on August 18, 2008January 2, 2021 Q: Most of my immediate family lives in Houston, and I was talking about how most serial killers come from or pass thru Texas at some point in their careers and my sis pointed out the Detroit has a higher crime rate than Houston. I was unaware so I checked… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Ask Dangerous Lee Ask Dangerous Lee – How do you tell someone you have an STD? Posted on May 4, 2012January 2, 2021 Q: How do you tell someone that you have an STD? Three Girls and a Mic A: First, if you have an STD please seek medical help. Some STDs are curable and others are treatable. If you’re walking around with a curable STD, something is definitely wrong with you and… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Ask Dangerous Lee Ask Dangerous Lee – How can I tell if someone is really my “sister” ? Posted on July 28, 2008January 2, 2021 Q: I consider myself a “woman’s woman”. I have five sisters and never felt threatened. I have to ask though, how can I tell if someone is really my “sister” or just someone paying lip service to loyalty. I have a “friend” who seems to find my male friends, “interesting’,… Like this:Like Loading... Read More