Sexual Orientation Not a Choice, but Remaining Ignorant About It Is Posted on April 23, 2014April 12, 2018 By Dangerous Lee I am sharing this article because I am so tired of people I know saying being gay is a choice and wondering how children can know their own sexuality when they have not really experienced life or sex. I knew when I was a kid that I liked boys, especially Michael Jackson 🙂 If you are gay and living life as if you are a straight person, that is a choice. Sometimes it’s good to close the Bible and give other books, research and facts a chance. Click image to read heated Facebook conversation on this blog. Scientists have found evidence to support the existence of a male genome which may influence homosexuality. Dr Michael Bailey, from Northwestern University, studied 400 sets of twins to determine if some men are genetically inclined to be gay. The study identified two areas on the male genome which appear to be linked to sexuality. Bailey said: “Sexual orientation has nothing to do with choice. Our findings suggest there may be genes at play and we found evidence for two sets that affect whether a man is gay or straight.” Researchers took blood from 409 homosexual brothers and heterosexual members of their family. It is known that siblings share around 50 per cent of their DNA, but it is possible they have a chance of sharing genes associated with sexual orientation. While the findings revealed genetics accounted for around 30% to 40% of a man’s sexuality, the rest was based on social and environmental factors. Read full story at – Gay Gene Discovery Suggests Sexual Orientation Not a Choice. Follow Dangerous Lee on Twitter! Like this:Like Loading... Related Blogs by Dangerous Lee Rants, Essays, and Think Pieces Vintage Dangerous Lee gaygay familyGay Lesbian and BisexualhomosexualhomosexualitylesbianLGBTQsexSexual orientationSexuality
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Blogs by Dangerous Lee Women: Can’t Be Friends With ‘Em, Can’t Kill ‘Em Posted on July 21, 2014April 12, 2018 Before I get started on my rant just let me say that I have less than a handful of people that I consider true friends in the first place (male and female) and I have become quite comfortable as a homebody and I have no problem being alone. As of… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
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As a non Christian woman, I do not live by the same creed as you so there’s really no need for me to debate with you. I know you personally on a certain level so I know you’re not hateful. However, “ignorant” is the correct word to use. Because when you choose to not put down the Bible and pick up other books you remain ignorant to facts. I think not questioning or blindly following your religious beliefs is also ignorant.
Because God said its wrong, its wrong. The act of homosexuality is wrong, just like fornication, adultery, lasciviousness, lying, backbiting (gossiping), murder, stealing, coveting another man/woman’s spouse, incest, and beastiality; all of it and some more is wrong. Me, personally, am not homophobic…I work with them, I eat lunch with them and laugh with them and the whole shebang. I don’t hate homosexuals. But ain’t no way in hell I’m putting down my Bible. Not ever gonna happen. I don’t force “religion” on them or condemn, make fun of them or nothing to disrespect them. I treat everybody the same way I’d want to be treated. I don’t discriminate against them at all. That’s just human nature. I also don’t get offended when people don’t agree with me, honestly I couldn’t care less. What may seem natural to you may not seem natural to the next individual. This is taken from the article you posted: Researchers took blood from 409 homosexual brothers and heterosexual members of their family. It is known that siblings share around 50 per cent of their DNA, but it is possible they have a chance of sharing genes associated with sexual orientation. Ever heard of generational curses? So this research doesn’t surprise me at all. In my opinion I think its premature to call an individual ignorant when another clearly defends an act that has been deemed unnatural for centuries.