Every Love Has An Ending Posted on June 16, 2014March 3, 2017 By Dangerous Lee I remember back when I was a child, I made up a song called “Every Love Has An Ending”. I can also remember hitting record and singing into my cute and colorful boom box like I was a superstar. The song was about a cheating man who broke a woman’s heart. I can’t remember how old I was, but I’m sure I was younger than thirteen. It had a nice lil’ groove to it and the lyrics spoke well beyond my years and experience. I wonder where in the hell I got the notion from? Were my psychic abilities kicking in? Or was it just my writing skills coming out? Either way, it would seem that, at least in my experience, that sadly every love does have an ending contrary to the Hollywood happily ever after fantasy that has been pimped to us for a lifetime. What do you think? Take Our Poll Like this:Like Loading... Related Blogs by Dangerous Lee lovelove hurtsmusicpollrelationshipsRomancesongs
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Blogs by Dangerous Lee When It Comes To Relationships Is White Right? Posted on October 27, 2011April 13, 2018 When It Comes To Relationships Is White Right? Laura Govan, Basketball Wives L.A. cast member, often makes the statement that “White is right” in regards to dating men. The first time she made the statement was when cast mate, Jackie Christie, mentioned that she was once married to a White… Like this:Like Loading... Read More