When It Comes To Relationships Is White Right? Posted on October 27, 2011April 13, 2018 By Dangerous Lee When It Comes To Relationships Is White Right? Laura Govan, Basketball Wives L.A. cast member, often makes the statement that “White is right” in regards to dating men. The first time she made the statement was when cast mate, Jackie Christie, mentioned that she was once married to a White man. Laura is the mother of four children (I think) and has only dated men of color without long term success, so now she feels that dating White men is the answer. Is it? Based on what? I for one think that Black women and other women of color should keep their options open in regards to dating men and women of other ethnicities, but White is not right just because it’s white! I cringe when I hear men or women make statements such as “I don’t date Black women (men).” To me, that’s self hate in its rawest form. Laura Govan Jackie Christie Generalizations Look, we’ve all been hurt and we all tend to generalize Black men and Black women as being a certain way in relationships and in everyday life, but take it from someone that has a child by a White man; all White men don’t stick around to raise their kids and all White men are not good mates. Men are…men. Some are boys. His or her lack of melanin combined with a different culture from yours does not mean that he or she is the perfect mate for you. As people of color, we have got to stop believing and perpetuating all the negative stereotypes that have been placed upon us. Until you have dated a few White women or White men you will not know if they are right for you. People are people. A lot of them are assholes! And, don’t give up on Black men or women or other people of color because you have had one or a few bad experiences. Most importantly, work on yourself as you may be the reason your relationships are not working. Truth is, we’re all a lil’ fucked up! Date and love whoever loves you back unconditionally.  Save Like this:Like Loading... Related Blogs by Dangerous Lee Rants, Essays, and Think Pieces Vintage Dangerous Lee Basketball Wives L.A.Black peopledatinginterracial datinginterracial relationshipsJackie ChristieLaura GovanPerson of colorrelationshipsVH1White people
Blogs by Dangerous Lee An Open Conversation to White People Using the N Word Posted on July 17, 2012April 12, 2018 Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Blogs by Dangerous Lee Movie Review: Captain America Posted on November 4, 2011January 26, 2018 This is one of the many comic book character movies that I wanted to see because it didn’t look corny or like a cartoon come alive. I loved this film! I especially love how it made fun of itself, the story line was perfect and the ending I absolutely loved…. Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Blogs by Dangerous Lee Sexual Orientation Not a Choice, but Remaining Ignorant About It Is Posted on April 23, 2014April 12, 2018 I am sharing this article because I am so tired of people I know saying being gay is a choice and wondering how children can know their own sexuality when they have not really experienced life or sex. I knew when I was a kid that I liked boys, especially… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
I don’t know what MGTOW means but whatever. White women like money too! Stop putting them on a pedestal. Society does enough of that…which enables you and others like you to do the same.
It’s statements like the one made by Dangerous Lee in the comments section below that have made many men GO MGTOW.
I have to admit something here. There is a school of black women who has no respect for black men. They want us to be rich or damn near rich… My ex wife is dating a rich white man now… It’s the new flavor of the month… Brothers are disrespected on a daily… Even my younger sister has opted to date white men.. I guess the saying is right… “White is Right”
There are many grey areas with this topic. In regards to what you have stated, many Black women don’t feel respected by Black men, so they have opened up their options to dating White men. Every woman, Black or White, wants a man with money. Period. That’s just a fact! No woman wants a broke mate.