Concepts That You Can Use to Improve the Quality of Your Products Posted on July 16, 2021July 16, 2021 By Leigh Langston As you think about how to grow your business to the next level, there are a variety of goals you should be thinking about. Improving the quality of your products is definitely one of them. But while carefully analyzing your products and production line is an important aspect of this process, you should also think more broadly about various concepts and philosophies that can be applied to your situation. Acceptance Quality Limit Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) is a numerical value that simply represents the basest level of quality that will be accepted in order to allow a product to go on the market and not toss it out. Basically, this value represents the absolute bare minimum required for a product to still be considered passable. As you think about this value, it’s important that you challenge yourself to increase the numerical value—as you set your expectations higher, you’ll start to see your quality and consistency increase. Poka Yoke Poka yoke is a Japanese term and is used to describe a tool to catch, prevent, or highlight areas where errors commonly occur. Basically, this is a mechanism that specifically looks for and seeks to prevent problems with the quality of your products from occurring. While this term may initially seem foreign, the idea behind it is probably more common than you think. There are multiple examples of poka yoke in everyday life, some of which you may not have even given thought to simply because they are such a normal part of life. Healthy Company Culture Having a solid and healthy company culture may not initially seem directly connected to product quality. But it actually is. When you focus on investing in your employees, developing a culture of cooperation, transparency, and trust, and help your employees feel ownership, they will do their best to deliver great products to your clients. Additionally, when employees start to feel invested in the company themselves, they are much likelier to identify areas of improvement or areas where you can expand that will ultimately result in more innovative products. Taking the time to think about different principles or concepts that can be implemented to make your products higher quality can help you see huge growth in your company. As you go forward, consider applying these ideas one at a time. Taking the time and making the effort to make changes will make a big difference over time. Read this next: Marketing Strategies To Boost Social Media Followers Like this:Like Loading... Related News AQLcompany culturehow to improve your product qualitypoka yokeproduct quality
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