Business Expenses You Can Write Off On Your Taxes Posted on June 3, 2021June 10, 2024 By Leigh Langston Tax breaks are one of the savings you should take advantage of as a business owner. Some tax breaks seem pretty obvious, but others may surprise you. When you’re running a business, you can run up against thin profit margins. That means that it is in your best interest to take advantage of any savings you can so that your business can be as profitable as possible. It’s important to be aware of the business expenses you can write off so you don’t miss out on important savings. Tax Breaks Galore! Transportation and Travel Running a business can require a surprising amount of travel, whether it is around your state or across the country. Those travel expenses can add up pretty quickly and represent a significant portion of business costs. When you start looking into your travel expenses, you must recognize what expenses were necessary to your travel and what expenses might have been over the top. This is important because the IRS requires that only necessary expenses be deductible for tax purposes. There are specific guidelines for which expenses can be deducted, so you must take a good look and figure out what is deductible. Office Equipment Setting up a productive office environment requires equipment to help you meet your business’s needs. Many of those pieces of equipment are tax-deductible and should be accounted for on your taxes. Any furniture that you need for your work can be deducted from your taxes. This includes things like desk chairs and your desk itself as well as less obvious items like bookshelves, comfortable seating, and artwork. Making sure to deduct these items appropriately will help you to take care of some of your business expenses and ensure that your business is done in a tax-appropriate way. Office Space While office furniture and equipment are an important expense to deduct, the actual office space you use is another essential deduction. Office space often is one of your largest expenses, so you should take advantage of any savings you have available to you. These kinds of office space deductions are available even if you run your business out of your home. You simply need to make sure that you meet the requirements of deducting office space. These can range from it being your principal place of business to an area where you meet clients regularly. If your office space qualifies, it can be a major tax break that you should take advantage of. Utility Costs Running electricity, gas, and even the internet adds up when you are managing a business, especially if you have many employees. Luckily, you can deduct your utility bills that reflect business use. In addition to deducting what you can, it can help to keep your costs down in the first place. If your utility bills are especially high, an inspection can find HVAC inefficiencies . By making sure your HVAC is running efficiently and taking advantage of tax breaks, you can get more out of your business. Using energy efficiently will also help your business to lessen its carbon footprint and can work as a selling point for potential clients. Your Office Supply Costs Office supplies are small costs that tend to add up pretty quickly. From printing paper and toner to pens, pads, and staples, there are many office supplies that every business needs to run efficiently. These supplies can be a tax break every each year. Even coffee and water count as office supplies that you can deduct each year. The important thing to note here is that office supplies are items that are used and need to be replaced frequently to continue running operations and as such, are a separate kind of deduction from longer-term expenses like computers and printers. Continuing Education Costs If you are running your business and want to get an education to help improve your skills in your field, you can deduct the costs of that education. Deductible education needs to help you to improve your skills in your field or to maintain the skills you have already developed. Staying on top of your education and trends in your field is essential to running your business as well as possible, so it is worth it to gain more education and deduct the costs you can. The more you know about how your business works and changes, the better able you will be to handle those changes and keep your business flourishing. Business Meals Meals that you pay for as part of your business are a deductible purchase as long as you do them appropriately. For your business meal to be deductible, you want to make sure that you have documentation of the costs and details of the meal. It may seem like a hassle to track, but if you simply keep an itemized receipt, you can use that as the main documentation and add any additional information that you need directly to the receipt. That way, you will have all the necessary information in a concise and easy-to-file location. Any Car Used for Business Purchases The way you deduct car-related expenses depends on the way you use your vehicle and how much of its use is for your business. If you have a vehicle specifically for business use, you can deduct all maintenance and expenses for that vehicle. However, if you use your car for both personal and work purposes, you can still deduct the business-related expenses you have from that vehicle. That includes things like the mileage you used for business purposes and other work-related expenses. By making sure that you take advantage of all business deductions you qualify for, you can help your business to stay afloat. Running a business is a challenging and rewarding career and learning to navigate taxes is a big part of that job. The more you know about deductions you can take, the easier it will be for you to file your taxes and come out on top. Read this next: How To Maximize Productivity While Working From Home Like this:Like Loading... Related Home Office business expensesbusiness tax breakseducation tax deductionhome office deductionmileage deductiontax breakstax write off
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