Benefits of Not Having Sex for a Looong Time Posted on May 13, 2022January 15, 2024 By Leigh Langston It’s okay not to have sex; in fact, it has some benefits! Photo by Anna Shvets on While being celibate can have a negative connotation to some people, it actually has several benefits that everyone could appreciate. If you’re not having sex and are feeling alone or frustrated about it, keep these positive factors in mind: It’s better for the environment. Just imagine how much energy is saved when people aren’t having sex – all the activity that goes into getting ready for it, all the prep work of finding a partner and agreeing on terms, etc. You’d be doing your part to save the planet by abstaining from any sexual activity! You save money on birth control. If you’re not having sex (or engaging in other activities that would require birth control), then you no longer need to spend money on condoms or other birth control methods. That’s more money you can put towards something else – maybe even saving up for a big vacation! Read on for more benefits, some you’re no doubt already experiencing during your celibacy. You can learn a lot about other people. One of the best ways to become a better partner is to wait until you’re ready. If you’ve gone a long time without sex and you’re dating, don’t think that means you have to rush into things. Take your time and learn about what you like in other people, and what you dislike. If your current relationship isn’t working out, it’s okay to move on. You’ll learn more about yourself by living alone or spending more time by yourself than if you were constantly accompanied by a romantic partner. Develop relationships with your friends and family, and spend more time with them. You can learn a lot about yourself. While orgasms are a blast, they’re not all there is to life; especially since most women don’t have them during intercourse anyway. Not being able to have sex allows you to learn important lessons about yourself and how you interact with others. Here are some of the benefits that come from abstaining: You learn what it’s like to be okay alone. It can be uncomfortable when you don’t have any sexual partners because friends and family may assume that you’re lonely or sad. But there’s something incredibly freeing about being single and knowing that it’s okay for things to stay that way. When people ask us why we’re single, we may say that it’s because we’re *not single*. We have ourselves, and being able to love who we are without needing anyone else is a huge blessing. You learn how to create healthy relationships. If a partner treats us in an unhealthy way once, twice or even three times (which often happens), having years of abstinence under our belts means that we know how good it feels to be with someone who cares about us and treats us well—and the more self-awareness one has, the easier it is not to settle for less than what they deserve. You learn your own body better than anyone else ever will (or could). Even if you’ve been sexually active throughout your life, there’s always room for discovery! Take time to explore your own body so when sex does come into play again (whenever that may be), you’ll feel comfortable expressing what feels good and what doesn’t—to yourself or any partners you may have in the future! You can enjoy your independence. As you spend more time enjoying your independence and solitude, your sense of self will expand. The benefits of this can manifest in all areas of your life. For example, you can focus more on yourself and your own needs, as well as pursue things that make you happy. You can spend more time on your hobbies and passions, as well as dedicate more energy to nurturing them. You will feel relaxed without feeling like you should be doing something else. On top of that, the ways in which you experience relationships with others will become richer and more rewarding overall. Finally: no one can hurt or disappoint you when they don’t have access to your body, know who you are, or what’s really important to you. When we say sex is optional, we don’t mean it only applies to a certain age range or a specific stage in life—sex is always optional! You can grow as a person. You have so many opportunities to grow as a person. These are the areas of your life you can focus on while you’re not having sex: Emotional growth – You’ll be in better touch with your emotions and feel more connected to those around you. Spiritual growth – Your spirituality will flourish, and you’ll find meaning in the little things. Mental growth – You can delve into books that expand your mind and teach you something new. Physical growth – Take up a sport! Try out yoga! Get moving! Personal growth – Make a list of everything that appeals to you, from baking to sewing to juggling. Start doing these things! Character growth – Become more patient, understanding, and generous—and make sure it’s genuine by not having sex so much. Social growth – Your social skills will soar as they become stronger than ever before through constant use (talking without sexual advances). Financial growth – It’s time for a savings plan! You can focus on your career and goals. If you are choosing to focus on your career, you can use that time not having sex to really drive home some awesome goals. Or, maybe you’re trying to focus on your financial goals and figuring out what the next step is for you. Maybe it’s getting rid of debt or starting a savings account. The possibilities are endless because the time is yours. You have all the time in the world to figure out what works best for you, and it can be exciting! I know I just said there’s nothing wrong with not having sex but lets talk about why this is also good. If you’re a go-getter, then focusing on what matters most is going to help get ahead in life in all areas! Being able to put your mind and energy into your career and/or future goals means you’re going to have more opportunities for yourself down the road when it comes to finding someone who fits well into your life, whether their job is right next door or halfway across the world! It can help you heal from past relationships. Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova on Once you’ve taken the time to process your emotions and get to know yourself again, it’s time for you to learn to love yourself again. Feel free to take some time off from dating as well and focus on your goals. You can heal from past relationships and develop a better understanding of your needs. And best of all, you’ll be able to grow into the person you’re meant to be. Your body won’t be exposed to STIs or the risk of pregnancy. Your health will be better off. STIs are sometimes obvious, but they’re usually not. While most sexually active adults have a few dirty secrets hiding out in the bodily crevices, there are plenty of people out there who don’t even know they have an STI that’s being transmitted to each partner. It may sound extreme to say that forgoing sex is a safer option—and it is, to an extent. But if you’re not having sex, you’re not putting yourself at risk for contracting or spreading STIs or unplanned pregnancy. If you find that surprising, you could probably use a refresher on the various types of sexually transmitted infections and diseases—many of which can be asymptomatic, meaning they can go undetected by anyone afflicted with them (including their sexual partners). That’s right: many STIs don’t cause any signs or symptoms at all! Like this:Like Loading... Related Health & Wellness benefits of abstinencebenefits of not having sexCelibacyemotional wellnessMental Healthnot having sexPersonal GrowthSelf-loveSexual abstinence
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