Aspects of Product Packaging Every Savvy Business Owner Must Consider Posted on September 30, 2021August 20, 2024 By Leigh Langston The Importance of Product Packaging You spent countless hours coming up with your product and making sure that it would be something you can sell to customers. You must also think about product packaging because because the packaging communicates what your product is all about. Your packaging is an important aspect to get right because packaging can be the difference between customers buying again and again. Shape As Industrial Packaging points out, the shape of your packaging can impact your consumers’ decisions to buy your product. The shape helps them identify the item and who it is made for. You can use the shape of your packaging to communicate what your product is about and why a customer needs to buy it. Your packaging should be aesthetically pleasing and easy to carry, use and store. You can use angular shapes to communicate masculinity, while curved shapes will communicate femininity. Larger packaging can communicate higher value, while smaller packaging can communicate higher quality. Printing According to Kodak, packaging print has a critical role to play in convincing the customer to buy the product. You need to ensure that your product branding is a central focus and that your product is easily identifiable and attractive. Surveys show that customers would repeat a purchase of a product because of the packaging designs. The printing on your package will give you an opportunity to communicate to your customers and help create a positive image. Eye catching designs help your customers enjoy their experience with your product. Color Your customers’ buying decisions can be heavily influenced based on the color. There are different reactions to different colors because of how the brain perceives them. The colors you choose can communicate to your customers simplicity or value, or it can detract your customers from purchasing. For example, white packaging can communicate simplicity and purity, while blue can communicate playfulness or professionality. More color added doesn’t necessarily mean better, as adding more color may communicate less sophistication. Knowing your customer base is important as younger customers will be drawn to more and brighter colors, while older customers will be drawn to more sophistication. There are so many decisions to make when it comes to creating and selling products. You need to make sure that your product packaging is on point as well, as this can help you sell. Your packaging will help your customers be drawn to your product as well as continuing to come back to buy. Read this next: How to Run Your Business From Anywhere Like this:Like Loading... Related News how to package your productpackage colorpackaging printproduct packagingshape of packaging
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