Here’s What Happens When a Black Woman Gets a Business Degree Posted on May 1, 2019February 13, 2025 By Leigh Langston In this day and age, there are a lot of things that can empower minority individuals to climb the ladder to success. These would include raw talent as well as dedication, commitment, efficiency, being dependable, and having attention to detail. Another area where minorities can at least lay the foundation for a leg up would be within the realm of education. Minority individuals everywhere have gone on to embrace all that education can offer them, and one minority group, in particular, realizes the value of an education, especially a business degree. Black women everywhere are warming up to the idea of getting advanced degrees in typically White-male-dominated fields such as business, and it is changing the ball game for them and everyone else. These female Black executives are taking the world by storm, and here’s how. Expand Your Horizons Young Black women would do well to consider the field of business for their degree plan. A Black woman should realize that having a business degree gives you opportunities to learn, grow, and love the job you do. And because you’ll have developed the skills that are essential to the business world, you will be ready to take on the world. Inspire Others There truly has been an immense number of individuals who have been inspired by female Black business leaders. Individuals such as Oprah, Whoopi Goldberg, Gayle King, Ursula Burns, and many others have inspired a new generation to be as determined and committed to making a difference as they are. Moreover, these Black female executives also can teach others to help them realize how to make a difference in a world where they only make up less than 2% of the workforce. Encourage Diversity Just by the nature of their very presence, a competent Black female business leader will encourage diversity. They will do their part to slowly chip away at the glass ceiling that exists within the business and corporate world for Black female business leaders. Moreover, they will help their co-workers have more innovation, more cooperation, and more economic growth because those around them will be more motivated. The next Ursula Burns is probably reading this article. Let her legacy, along with the legacy of Oprah and many other in popular culture, guide you on this journey. You too can be the next influential Black female executive. For finding amazing jobs in diverse environments that you will love, check out the job postings at Black Girls Allowed! Like this:Like Loading... Related News Black women business ownersbusiness degreediversity hiringeducationfemale Black executives
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Beauty & Fashion The Glamourina Culture Collection – Apparel for Culturally Conscious Women Posted on February 19, 2019February 5, 2024 The Glamourina Culture Collection, an afro-inspired activewear lifestyle birthed in the culturally diverse melting pot of Washington D.C., is poised to change the athletic industry with their unique tapestries and blends of melanin inspired vibrations. With apparel for the culturally conscious woman requiring representation, Glamourina’s mission is to restore the… Like this:Like Loading... Read More