What Black Businesswomen Should Know About Recruiting Agencies Posted on December 23, 2019December 23, 2019 By Leigh Langston Finding people to work for you on a long or short term basis can be a very time-consuming process for most businesswomen. Therefore, the most convenient and professional route to take is to find and hire a recruitment agency to do the work for you. However, this can be a little more difficult than simply choosing any other vendor. Instead of going through countless interviews and back and forth emails, simply look at these areas to determine if that particular recruiting agency is right for you. Who They Work For Contrary to popular belief, not all recruiting agencies are independently owned. In fact, many of them (although they go with a different name) do, in fact, belong to a certain company. Who owns the agency can really begin to change a lot about the process, who you get, and the price you pay for their services. Some of the cons that come with working with recruiting agencies that belong to corporations are that there is little to no wiggle room for negotiations. This means whatever the price they are asking you, you have to pay no matter what. In addition, if issues tend to arise with their service or with the employee they provide you with, you may have trouble with their customer service as most of their employees will simply refer you to upper management. Skill-Specific vs. Industry-Specific Before you sign on the dotted line, there is one thing you must always make sure is accurate, and that is their specific type of employee they provide. According to 4 Corner Resources, some recruiters may hire within a specific industry, while other recruiters may cover multiple industries. The answer to this can be received through a quick phone call to their offices. Depending on your needs, a specific answer must be given to you before agreeing to their terms. This means if you need someone who will be in-charge of say your accounting department, you might need to find an agency that specializes in higher-level position recruiting. Can They Provide References? One of the most important things to ask a recruiting company is a list of references that they can contact. The list, if provided, should be recent and with companies still in business. Contact some of these companies and simply ask if they did a find a job; if not, what were their concerns with them. However, if they refuse to show any proof of past satisfactory work, it should be seen as a red flag. Veramark advises screening candidates thoroughly before hiring them to make sure that they are the kind of people you want to have working for your business. With more and more businesswomen taking leadership roles within various industries, the need for skilled labor will also increase. Through the use of a recruiting agency, businesswomen can begin to concentrate on what matters the most, their business. Here’s another article you might enjoy: 4 Marketing Tricks That Can Help Any Black-Owned Business Succeed Like this:Like Loading... Related News finding people to work for youhow to hire employeeshow to use a recruiting agencyrecruitment agency
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News Tips for Managing Seasonal Inventory Posted on May 4, 2021October 7, 2023 It doesn’t matter if it’s a holiday or a vacation season; if you’re a business owner, you know seasons are exciting and stressful times. On one hand, you can profit from all the season-specific sales. On the other, the influx of inventory can be a logistical nightmare. If you want… Like this:Like Loading... Read More