Types of Discrimination Women Commonly Encounter in the Workplace Posted on July 28, 2021July 28, 2021 By Leigh Langston Feeling safe at work is an important part of being able to contribute to your company and help it to be productive. Unfortunately, workplace discrimination against women is fairly common and can negatively impact the work environment for everyone. When you understand the types of discrimination women commonly face, you can help to solve the problem and make workplaces more comfortable for the women who work there. Gender Discrimination Gender discrimination is a very common phenomenon in workplaces across the country and the world. This kind of discrimination occurs when women are treated differently in the workplace under not seen as being as valuable as their male counterparts. Gender discrimination to look a variety of ways, and it should be addressed early as early as possible if it is noticed. Women are often passed over for promotions or raises even when they are as skilled or more skilled than others in their workplace. Gender discrimination can impact the work performance and even the health of the women it affects. Pregnancy Discrimination Often even women who have not been generally discriminated against at work will face more discrimination if they become pregnant. Sometimes employers or management believe that a woman who is pregnant will be less able to do her job or may no longer care about being in the workplace. These kinds of assumptions are untrue and often harmful to the women they affect. In fact, it is illegal to threaten someone’s employment based on pregnancy. It is important to ensure that pregnant employees are treated fairly and given the accommodations they need. Sexual Harassment Woman also often have to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace. Sometimes this harassment is explicit and easy to recognize but in other cases it is more difficult for an outsider to perceive. It’s important that employees are taught to recognize sexual harassment when it happens so that they will be able to put a stop to bad situations. Sexual harassment can happen in any workplace and to employees of any gender, however it is more commonly perpetrated against women. Whether you are an employee or run your own business, it is important to know the kinds of discrimination that women often face in the workplace. The more you know about discrimination the better you will be at spotting it and making it stop. Then women will be able to feel safe and productive in the workplace and advance as they should. Read this next: 5 Career Fields That Desperately Need Black Women Like this:Like Loading... Related News discrimination women face in the workplacegender discriminationpregnancy discriminationsexual harrassmentworkplace discrimination
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