Tips for Black Women Navigating the Divorce Process Posted on December 14, 2020December 14, 2020 By Leigh Langston Going through a divorce is a big event that can have major effects on your life. When you’re a Black person, and especially a Black woman in the US, the divorce process can be even more stressful and frustrating. Understanding how to navigate the process can help make things easier. Finding the Right Attorney Finding the right attorney for your divorce is important. You need to find a lawyer you can trust to keep your needs and experience in mind so you will get the best possible outcome from your divorce. Finding a lawyer who understands your experience and isn’t influenced by racial prejudice can also help you ensure a positive outcome. Choosing an attorney can be complicated, but reviews can help you find one that is right for you. Check out the reviews of local attorneys so you can make an informed decision and find an attorney that you trust. Practice Stress Management Techniques Life is full of stress, but a big event like a divorce can really impact your stress levels. Divorce is one of the most difficult things you can face in life, and can be the source of enormous amounts of stress. Practicing stress management techniques can help you handle it more effectively. Take time to put your mental health first as you navigate your divorce. Meditation and deep breathing can really help you manage stress. Use times of quiet to focus on what’s important and take tasks one at a time. Taking a little time to go outside and get exercise and Vitamin D can also help you manage your stress effectively. It can be easy to get overwhelmed when dealing with the stress of a divorce, but by making your mental health a priority, you can make the most of a hard situation. Get Your Materials Together Collecting all necessary materials can help you make your case as best as possible and find a compromise during your divorce while still getting what you need from the negotiations. Keep copies of your communication with your lawyer and important dates and marriage details so you have a good understanding of what you need and how to explain that need effectively. The better you document everything through your divorce the better your chances of getting the outcome you need. There isn’t much you can do to make a divorce a fun experience, but you can make it a positive one if you prioritize your mental health and find a lawyer you can trust. Finding ways to make your divorce as painless as possible will help you move on with sure footing. Read this next: How to Advocate for Yourself After a Workplace Injury Like this:Like Loading... Related News Black women and divorceDivorcefinding an attorney
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News Book Offers Hands-On Advice for Single Mothers by Single Mothers Posted on February 16, 2022February 16, 2022 Single Mothers Syndrome There is this persistent thought or belief that single mothers are separate from most of society. These thoughts and beliefs lead some single mothers to give up and use single parenting as an excuse, or justification, or as a reason to hold themselves back. The book is… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
News Get Your Hair Done While Waiting at This Woman-Owned Auto Repair Shop Posted on November 19, 2021November 19, 2021 Patrice Banks is a genius entrepreneur who is also the owner of Girls Auto Clinic located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In response to a national problem of women being taken advantage of at many auto repair shops owned by men, Patrice launched her company to give women a better and more… Like this:Like Loading... Read More