Unless you live under a rock, you’ve heard of social media, or you are on social media. Social media has become one of the most powerful tools in the world today. It can either make or break a personal brand or small business.
When it comes to increasing one’s awareness and online brand, social media has become the #1 search engine to increase visibility online. But, wait, there is this concept called Social Media PR which is often confused with Social Media Marketing.
The difference between the two is that Social Media Marketing is a strategy and tactic used to elicit a response or action from a client or potential client.
On the other hand, Social Media PR is the process of long-term brand building. So please don’t expect a quick return on investment. It’s more of an investment of time and building relationships that matter and with a higher return.
Here’s How To Use Social Media PR To Increase Your Online Visibility.
- Become A Subject Matter Expert: Most people are unaware that news reporters, journalists, and producers comb the streets of social media looking for proven subject matter experts. They are always looking for validated industry experts and professionals to interview or quote on a particular story or subject. Why is this important to you? If you have specific expertise and can speak intelligently on a topic, more than likely, a journalist or a reporter covers that beat would like to talk to you. Make your expertise known.
- Share Media Stories: One of the best things you can do is interact with journalists, reporters, and media personalities on social media. It helps builds rapport and genuine relationships with the media. Make sure you are following the media professionals that covers your industry. Take the time to comment on their posts, and re-share their stories with your community. A great place to engage with the media is on Twitter. It’s fast-paced, but most journalists and keepers of the news will spend time on Twitter.
- Social Media Billboards: Social media serves as a virtual billboard that most people will pass by or scroll by several times before they take action on what you’re offering. It may take them a little while to follow you, sign up for your freebie, or even buy your products. However, if your content is engaging and has the spirit of educating, empowering, inspiring, or even entertaining its readers, the return will be worth it. The same thing goes for the media. The media will watch your account for a while before they engage with you. They are trying to figure out if you are a trusted source or someone that the public trusts. The media will not take chances on social media accounts that have not proven themselves as trustworthy.
- Be Innovative Or The First: Social media PR can give you an inside track when testing a new concept or a new idea. Social media is a great place to launch a new idea and get a feel of what people think. Suppose you have a new product or business service that will disrupt or shock and awe your community in a good way. Consider using social media to get the word out, and it may become newsworthy. Keep in mind; media outlets like to be the first to tell the story of something great. Social media can be a great launching pad for your new innovative concept or idea.
- Create Social Proof: Nothing beats someone else singing your praises. That is what “Social Proof” is all about. Your community and visibility will grow when others see you as the real deal when it comes to social media. When others start to participate in your world, it gives you what we call the “Know, Like, and Trust” factor. In short, as much as we hate to admit it, we are influenced to a large degree by our social media community.
In closing, Social Media PR can help you increase awareness, credibility, and trust with your community and media. However, it is something that takes time to build. You must trust the process, and the ROI (Return on Investment) and RON ( Return on Networking) is endless.
For more information and strategies on building your visibility and awareness using Social Media PR, visit: EZTree.me/NikkiCurryMedia.
IG: NikkiCurryMedia
Twitter: Nikki_Curry