Should We Feel Sorry For Amy Fisher? Posted on August 15, 2011September 16, 2021 By Dangerous Lee Should We Have Sympathy for Amy Fisher? Unless you were an infant when it happened, you remember the media circus that was Amy Fisher, Joey Buttafuoco, and Mary Jo Buttafuoco. But here’s a refresher from Amy Elizabeth Fisher is an American woman who became known as “Long Island Lolita” by the media in 1992, when, at the age of 17. She shot and severely wounded Mary Jo Buttafuoco, the wife of her lover, Joey Buttafuoco. She was initially charged with first-degree attempted murder, but eventually pleaded guilty to first-degree aggravated assault and served six years in prison. After her parole in 1999, Fisher became a journalist and writer, before embarking on a career as a pornographic actress in 2007. Mary Jo Buttafuoco, Joey Buttafuoco, and Amy Fisher (insert) Celebrity Rehab Amy Fisher is currently a cast member on the VH1 series, Celebrity Rehab. She is dealing with an addiction to alcohol. Amy has also appeared in pornographic films, she says because it’s the only work she can get. Her reputation and what she’s been through in her life when she was a child has deeply affected her adult life. I personally feel sorry for her because it’s evident to me that Amy was also a victim in her relationship with Joey Buttafuoco. She served time for her crime. She attempted to get her life together upon her release, but the world would not allow her to move on. Long Live Long Island Lolita During her counseling sessions with Dr. Drew of Celebrity Rehab she has made it very clear that she feels like she deserves pain and that she has not been able to move past being known as “The Long Island Lolita”. Amy has been married for 12 years and is the mother of three children. For her children’s sake, I hope that she is able to fully get her life in order. I also hope that the world allows her to have a much deserved second chance. Like this:Like Loading... Related Blogs by Dangerous Lee Vintage Dangerous Lee Amy FisherCelebrity Rehab with Dr. DrewCelebrityRehabDrew PinskyJoey ButtafuocoLong Island LolitaMary Jo ButtafuocoPornographic film
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I dont feel bad for her in the slightest. She is a whore Im not going to feel bad for someone who to this day has negative things to say about the woman she shot. All she can think about is her self. She actually had the audacity to say Mary Jo still has the bullett in her head and she made millions off what I did and I have silicone in my boobs and no one cares.How selfish can you be. You damn near killed someone and all you can think about is her wealth..She deserves it.. Amy on the other hand deserves to be treated the same way she treated her victim.. So no..I never wished bad on any one but today I read this and i wished the most painful situation on this woman
No I don’t feel sorry for a women who shot this women just because she was the wife.. Two for saying she dosent feel sorry for Mary jo and the fact she still has a bullet in her brain!!! As she qoutes I have silcone boobs I live with them everyday can’t even feel the silcone and she can’t feel the bullet!!?? WTF heartless no guilt no sorry for the women she almost killed and put threw so much pain!!!! Who wrote a letter to get her out of jail early, so no she didn’t really get all her time, and she’s clearly not learned anything she isn’t right as she can’t feel no sorry!!! She said she hooked up with joey again to piss Mary jo off and to try get a tv series I think anyone who feels sorry for her needs testing!!! Shes Fake!!! Scum!!!
Nope, I beg to differ. We are all connected in some way are we not? Amy’s situation affected us here in NYC because it was the topic of major conversations across the city for months… I felt sorry for her when it first happened to her and I felt that she has since seek help to deal with her issues… What I’m saying here that once she has dealt with her issues, she needs to make good decisions for her life… Feel sorry for her now? makes me go hmmmm….
You have to make it personal. How could you not? You have to at least put yourself in her place and then reason that she has learned from her mistake… I don’t know…
I don’t think so. You didn’t go through what she went through. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. The question is Should We Feel Sorry For Amy Fisher, not you! You’re saying no soley based on what you feel you have been wronged for in your life.
I guess. I feel the way I do because, no one felt sorry for me when I committed my transgression against my ex-wife’s boyfriend for snapping at my daughters… I feel that we have to be responsible for our actions… I agree to disagree…
Ah, but see, this is not about you…it’s about Amy. You’re making it personal. Now I understand your reasoning.
Of course we are all responsible for our actions, but she was a child that was easily manipulated. She has also served time for those actions.