Rock The Vote or Nah? Posted on October 18, 2018November 6, 2018 By Dangerous Lee Originally published Oct 2014. ROCK THE VOTE OR STAY HOME? I don’t think I’m going to exercise my right to vote on November 4th. I’ve become one of those people who believes my vote doesn’t count in the grand scheme of things. I know, I know! I’m a woman. I’m Black. There are so many reasons I should vote, but eh. I’m sick of dirty politics. I usually vote Democrat but I am no longer pledging my allegiance to that party. If I do vote it will be Independent or whatever the hell the “senseble” alternative is. Voting Republican will never be an option. Anyway, use the resource at the bottom of this post to register and share with others who think voting will change the world. Voting is not the best way to make real change 2018 Update: This will be the first year since I became old enough to vote that I will NOT be voting. I do not believe in the system. It does NOT work! You see how 45 got his bitch-ass in office. The system is severely flawed and it’s ran by the lie of White supremacy, so I will no longer participate in the voting process. For those who say I no longer have a right to complain or that our ancestors fought for us to have the right to vote, I call bullshit, I will continue to complain because I will always be a Black woman. And the things our ancestors fought for we are still fighting for today. That’s ridiculous! I am in my 40’s now and all these years of voting have not changed the world or the system for the better. We’ve been fighting for the basic human rights that everyone should have as soon as they are born long before I came to be in 1975. I understand that voting on local levels is thought to be more important that voting for our next President, but again I do not believe in the system. It’s full of shit and so are most of the people on the ballot. Register to vote…or don’t. Like this:Like Loading... Related Blogs by Dangerous Lee Rants, Essays, and Think Pieces Vintage Dangerous Lee Democratmidterm electionsnon partisanNovember 4RepublicanTrumpvotevoter information toolVotingvoting information projectvoting rights
Blogs by Dangerous Lee Poll: 59% of Black Women Plan To Or Have Already Voted in 2018 U.S. Midterms Posted on November 1, 2018November 11, 2018 Black Women Voting Black women vote and we tend to make a huge impact for the betterment of all people at the polls. The 2018 midterms will be no different. According to a poll conducted by, 59% of Black women will or have already voted in the 2018 midterms…. Like this:Like Loading... Read More
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This is really sad. Our votes do matter. And it isn’t just a matter of voting on one particular day every few years, it is important to get involved and stay involved. Our voices matter. There are many levels of politics and may ways to get involved and help change things. Local, county, city and state governments make decisions that affect your life everyday. This particular midterm election is phenomenally important. So many things are at stake including abortion rights, voting rights, Social Security, LGBTQ rights, health care, gun safety reforms, tax fairness for the middle class, the future of our environment, campaign finance reform, immigration reform… All of these can and will have an impact on your day to day life. It is unfortunate that some women would rather sit on the sidelines and give up their right to participate in the democratic process rather than choosing to make this country better for future generations.
You know what’s also sad? That so many Black people and women vote against their own interests which will not and has not done anything for future/current generations. You haven’t said anything that I haven’t heard before, already know, or may have even agreed with in the past. However, my opinion still stands and I’m still not voting. Until this system of White supremacy is broken down we will always suffer whether we vote or not.
Glad it’s not just me. I used to be outspoken about voting. Now, it doesn’t seem like it’s possible to find someone worth voting for. When it’s picking the lesser of evils, and the evils are so… Well, evil? I’m not sure I even want my vote to count.