Obstacles That Get in the Way of Starting Your Business Posted on November 22, 2021January 20, 2025 By Leigh Langston Many people dream about starting up their own businesses for years before actually taking the leap. Most will agree those first few years of a business are the hardest, but if you work through them, you can be a successful business owner. It gets easier if you are informed and prepared for what you are about to face. Legal Hurdles There will be many laws, regulations, and rules that affect your business, from local ordinances to employment laws, depending on the nature and size of your business. At the least, you will need to register your business name with local and state authorities and consult a lawyer about forming a limited liability company (LLC) or file articles of incorporation. Accion Opportunity Fund says you may also need to protect your intellectual property with trademarks, copyrights, and patents. Your attorney can also advise you about tax laws and help you draw up standard contracts for clients, subcontractors, and suppliers. Fear As confident as you are in your products or services, you will no doubt feel fearful about several things. You may fear your business will never get off the ground, or once it’s started, it will fail. Or, you may be afraid that you just won’t know enough about running a business to make it work. These are common fears that everyone feels and must work through. Another common fear is money. According to Franchise Gator, not securing financing is a common fear among entrepreneurs. Yet, there are multiple avenues for financing your business, including investing your savings, borrowing from your 401(k), taking on partners, and getting a small business loan. There are even some grants available for entrepreneurs in some areas. Commitment Most people who want to start their own businesses already have jobs. Maybe they’ve been working on their business interest on the side or planning a great idea. Then the time comes where they have to make the commitment to go full time. This isn’t easy to do; you’re leaving the security of a regular paycheck and jumping into the unknown. Before committing to your new business, Brunch & Budget says you’ll need enough financial cushion to pay for living expenses until your business takes off. No matter your circumstances, you can be successful in your business once you overcome the initial obstacles. All it takes is knowledge, preparation, and the will to keep going when you encounter the tough spots. Read this next: Easy Ways to Increase Brand Exposure for Your Small Business Like this:Like Loading... Related News business obstaclescommiting to your businesshaving a financial cushionlegal business hurdleswhy is it hard to start a business
News Mistakes to Avoid When Expanding Your Business Posted on January 13, 2022January 13, 2022 For business owners, the move toward expansion is exciting! You can reach new customers or expand in different areas. However, it’s important to understand that expansions come with risks. Fortunately, there are some ways to avoid detrimental mistakes. Keep reading to learn about the mistakes to avoid when expanding your… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
News 10 Professional Black Women On Love Posted on February 14, 2019July 11, 2023 Happy Valentine’s Day! LOVE: What is it? How do you know when it’s real? Have you been burned by love? Are you looking for love? Do you believe in love? We asked women to send in their thoughts and opinions on love. The following 10 responses differ greatly but they… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
News How to Form Better Relationships With Your Family Posted on May 14, 2021October 3, 2023 Your family will be connected to you for your entire life. Having good relationships with them will help you enjoy your time with them and create lasting bonds. However, creating these bonds isn’t always easy, so it’s important to learn positive ways to form better relationships. Set Aside Time With… Like this:Like Loading... Read More