Taiwan: Where a Nigger Can Be King Posted on August 22, 2022August 22, 2022 By Dangerous Lee This blog about Nigger King was originally published November 10, 2011 When Other Cultures Make Money Off of Black People Using Racism This image has gone viral! It is a photo of a real hip hop clothing store in Taiwan. I have learned that because of their understanding of hip hop music and culture that NIGGER is commonly used when referring to Black people. Ignorance is no excuse I’ve heard that they mean no harm (insert side eye), but that they are simply ignorant to what the word nigger means and represents. Regardless, this sign should be changed or the business should be closed. It’s 2022. I’m sure they’ve been informed of the history of the word. Update: Nigger King still exists and is now called Niggar King (as if that’s better). Nigger King is a HOT Topic It went viral in 2011 and 11 years later people are still searching for it on Google and some are being led here for info at Dangerous Lee Publishing. Check out what my Site Kit by Google Dashboard tells me about what people are searching for Nigger King that brings them to this website and keeps this blog entry a top 10 post. Very interesting! #StopAsianHate Audio Diary: Dangerous Lee on #StopAsianHate Like this:Like Loading... Related Blogs by Dangerous Lee Vintage Dangerous Lee Black peoplehip hophip hop in Japanhip hop in TaiwanHip hop musicHiphopmusicNiggar KingNiggerNigger King storeracismTaiwan
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Dangerous lee, there is no difference between nigger and nigga. There are uneducated whites and blacks who falsely believe this but it is a regional pronunciation difference. They both are detrimental terms used when white racist were fire bombing black churches and killing little black girls. You think those rednecks with grade 5 education learned proper diction they pronounced it nigga, with an A. As for this place being named nigger king. Well if it is a hip hop store. Ask where they got nigger from? Rap music. Well you claim nigga is rap, nigger is not. So where did they get nigger from? A white racist? I doubt it. There is no word spelled nigga in the dictionary. The fact that black people are trying to “Take back a word” they never invented created by the people who raped their ancestors shows how low black america has fallen and how desperate for white acceptance and anything white blacks want. Black America can call themselves, kings, queens, royals, gods, but they choose to instead degrade themselves with a word used to oppress them. Utter foolishness. Ever black person worth a damn should condemn it all. There is now power in competing on your oppresors home turf. And white folks are rolling over laughing that chinese people have stores called nigger king and chinese have niggas love blondes on their t shirt. Black america has become the laughing stock of the world. Come on, we can do better.
We can agree to disagree on the word “nigga” all day. Many Black people do. Whatever. The store is called Nigger King and that’s not cool. Period.
Our ancestors never marched over the use of the word Nigger. Which they were referred to in a derogatory manner. Now that we take their derogatory word and use it to say my niggaz. My friend. They want to act like the word should no longer be used since we embraced it in a uniting manner. White man hate it. I love all my Niggaz..
Well what’s the issue? You don’t want people calling you the same thing you call yourself? And what Exactly is the difference?
The issue is that nigger is a racist term used upon us and Black people don’t refer to themselves as niggers. Other people do. Nigga is often used as a term of endearment, someone who you like or is your friend. It’s also used as a way to refer to any man. For instance, I use nigga even when referring to White men. It’s a cultural and generational thing and is usually used among people who “get it”. Nigga may sound like nigger but they are not the same word. Nigga has a totally different context than nigger and that’s why it matters who uses it and how. One involves malice. The other does not.
There is no different between nigga and nigger ….it’s all ignorance…black people are so confused in thinking it’s a term of endearment…it’s not!!!!
Is “Nigga King” totally appropriate then? Reminds me a lot of Rush Hour where black guys got pissed at Jacky Chen for saying “nigga”. Besides, why would you think Taiwanese knows the intricacies of American culture and history? There are plenty of “balla, holla, playa” in rap so why can’t nigga simply be an alternative pronunciation to nigger? How can you expect the rest of the world to learn nigger and nigga’s actual meaning and how these 2 words are used? It is fine to email the owner and educate him but without him learning more US history, which isn’t taught in 99% of the world, I just don’t think it will do much. Think how ignorant you are about Taiwan and that is probably how ignorant the owner is about America (and black American history is a sub category of that).
That’s the point of contacting the owners of “Nigger King”, to educate them on why the name of the store is offensive. One does not have to be informed of all U.S. history to get the point. It’s quite simple really. Of course I am not well versed in Taiwan history and facts, but that is beside the point. Especially since I don’t think there’s a store name out there that’s offensive to Taiwanese people. And, if it is, they’d have a right to be pissed about it. To answer your first question; “Nigga King” would be offensive too. If it were named that by a store owned by Black people it would just be plain stupid. Nigga, though it does not have the same meaning as nigger, is not something that I would use to name a professional business.
I can’t believe you are so worked up about a name of a store in Korea that may or may not even still be in business, in a country you will never visit, frequented by people you will never meet. I’m sure there are more legitimate issues and causes in your own neighborhood you should devote this time and energy to rather than try to “educate” Koreans. Volunteer, work with kids, or better yet work with organizations of kids about not using the word “nigger” that perpetuates stereotypes and causes foreigners to view African Americans so one-dimensionally. We perpetuate and create or own stereotypes, bitch to Lil’ Wayne and Jay Z, they’re more the root of the cause than Koreans
Believe it. It’s an issue among many others that I devote time and energy to on this website. Instead of you coming here with your wack ass comment you should also be doing something more…like teaching other Black men and boys how they can be as privileged as White men…like you!
lololol this is the exact reason why black people needs to stop referring themselves and other black people as nigga. It is an unrealistic expectation for everyone around the world to learn American history. All they see are the popular stuff (which happens to be nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga).
Randall, you must be young, dumb, and full of cum. That is the most stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You must not have grown up in the 60’s or know VERY little about Black History. Go back to school and relearn.
How is it inappropriate? It’s a word. It can be a symbol if people give it power by being afraid of it or trying to ban it. This debate is over. Hypersensitive black people just needs to grow the hell up and stop acting like wounded teenage girls
Its’ not just a word. There’s a lot of history and pain behind that word and it is a racist word. It’s used to offend and hurt. Let me guess…you’re White and privileged, right? If so, nothing else needs to be said on my end or yours. If you happen to be Black, wake the hell up!
So sick of hearing “white privilege” and most people with common sense are too. I’m a black male and I had the same “privilege” as anyone else in this country- the opportunity to attend school for free, work hard, get a college scholarship, do well enough that I have a high paying job. Unless you are one of the top 2% of elites you are in the same boat- white, brown, black, Asian or Indian included. “White privilege” is like the same as putting the blame for your own failures on others.
If you feel that you are a Black man with privileges comparable to White men in a world ruled by White supremacy you are truly in the sunkenplace. By all means take your privileged ass away into the sunset and do your thang because you’re one of the lucky ones.