Ask A Black Girl: Why do Black women hate their natural hair? Posted on March 22, 2017February 27, 2025 By Dangerous Lee What’s not to love? Q: Why do Black women act as though having a relaxer and getting a weave is better than the natural hair our creator gave to us? – Tiara Ella Yo: For me personally, I love my natural hair, but I cannot deny that styling it is often a challenge. It’s very time consuming, shrinkage is real and when I get it to hold a style, the count down immediately begins (Me vs Frizz, knots and more shrinkage.) I have met women who manage their natural looks fearlessly and beautifully but every now and again, I do get a weave to give myself a break. I try to do a curly look or something that mimics a natural look but with much less maintenance required. Natural Hair, Don’t Care! More Black Women Are Embracing Their Natural Hair BLACK HAIR: A taboo subject all over the world. Some Black women prefer a relaxer or a weave simply because it makes their hair easier to deal with, depending on their natural texture. Combing and taking care of natural hair takes a lot of time. It’s beautiful and very versatile but it can be a pain in the ass for many of us. On the other hand, many of us have been brainwashed to aim for the White ideal of beauty; long flowing hair that blows in the wind and hangs down our back. For this reason getting a perm has been a rite of passage for most of us. A weave or relaxer being better than natural nappy, kinky, or coily hair is a matter of opinion and taste. I wear my hair in a TWA (Teeny Weenie Afro) so I have little to no maintenance but my daughter rocks a head full of beautiful thick kinky locks. She loves her hair but her daily hair routine can be tiring. She’s 15-years-old and we’ve only found a couple of hair products (Pink Oil and African Pride) that moisturize her hair just right and makes it easier to manage. In the last decade or so there has been a natural hair revolution taking place as Black women are learning how to take care of their natural hair and realizing just how harsh straightening chemicals are. Natural Black Hair Makes White America Uncomfortable White America and their fragility and privilege; it makes me sick! It’s really not us that acts like weave or straight hair is better than natural hair. We are constantly being made to feel that what grows out of our head naturally is ugly, unprofessional, or unappealing. Check out these headlines: Study Proves That Black Women With Natural Hair Receive Seriously Negative Bias In ‘It’s About Damn Time’ News, the Army Approves Locks as a Hairstyle for Black Women For Some Black Women, Learning To Embrace Their Natural Hair Can Cause Anxiety Why Do Black Women Go Blonde? I’m blonde and I’m fine as hell! Theresa Gonsalves: For me blonde accents my skin tone and gives me an overall glow of beauty. Kim Fowlkes: I love my blonde!!! I did it just for a change and I loved it. It’s been 4 years now. I don’t know if I ever want to have a full head of dark hair again. Walethia Aquil: I have blonde wigs. I never thought I would go blonde. I’m amazed, my skin glows. White People Don’t Own The Rights To Blonde Hair We can’t even change our hair color without White America losing their damn minds. I’m sure there are some self-hating reasons that a small percentage of Black women go blonde, but our reasons for dying our hair blonde are not much different than why White women do it. It’s really not that serious. Damn! I look good! READ THIS NONSENSE: Black Women Can’t Have Blonde Hair in the Workplace. I went blonde recently because I have lots of grey hair growing sporadically throughout my head and I’d love to have a head full of grey, so I went platinum. Since going blonde I’ve realized that it makes my coils stand out and I can see and appreciate the beauty of my texture a lot more than when it was dark. But, I’m no stranger to dying my hair dark brown or black to cover the grey and I’ve been just about every shade of red in my lifetime. Last but not least, and this is an important fact, there are Black people that grow blonde hair naturally! Ask A Black Girl gives Black women the opportunity to candidly answer the controversial, common, and crude questions we are asked most often and some that are asked behind our backs.   Follow Black Girls Allowed on Twitter and Facebook! GOT A QUESTION? Name(required) Email(required) Question(required) Submit Δ Like this:Like Loading... Related Ask A Black Girl Black girl hairBlack hairBlack people with blonde hairBlack womens haircoily haircurly hairkinky hairnappy hairnatural hairnatural haircare
Ask A Black Girl Ask A Black Girl: Why are Black girls so snotty towards White women? Posted on July 21, 2017February 27, 2025 WHY ARE BLACK GIRLS SO SNOTTY TOWARDS WHITE WOMEN? A woman named Melissa, who I assume is White, wrote me with the following question: Hi, it seems to me for the most part black girls don’t like making conversation or being friendly with white girls. Why is that? MY… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Ask A Black Girl Ask A Black Girl: Is it normal for White men to be super attracted to Black women? Posted on May 18, 2017February 27, 2025 I’m a White man attracted to Black women. Help! Q: Out of all ethnic ties, Black women turn me on the most. I don’t know why. I told my peers and they gave somewhat disgusting looks and replies. I like Black women because of their beauty: physical features like bigger… Like this:Like Loading... Read More
Ask A Black Girl Ask A Black Girl: Why Don’t Black Women Workout? Posted on March 8, 2017February 27, 2025 Ask A Black Girl: WHY DON’T BLACK WOMEN WORKOUT? Sacha Inchi: We’re too busy taking care of everybody and everything to eke out time/space for self-care. Angela Smith: It may be that its not seen within the family, so it’s not thought of to do. We are creatures of example…. Like this:Like Loading... Read More
I love braids, weaves, wigs and extensions just because I like diversity and variety. I also love my natural hair the way it grows from my scalp, but it too has a mind of it’s own each day on whether it wants to cooperate and participate in certain hairstyles I want it to hold based on weather and product. I must admit that it wears me out and I get very frustrated at times so I revert to braids, weaves, wigs and extensions for a break like one poster mentioned. My hair is VERY thick, unruly and the grey hairs are wiry and the cost of products to maintain my natural hair is expensive because I can go through a bottle of condition in no time. My think hair drinks it up like a sponge. My hair will only respond to one line of product based on my many years of searching and those products cost money unfortunately.
I understand. I keep mine buzzed because I have issues with growth in certain areas and I also have skin issues on my scalp. I love this look, tho! It’s my signature style.
I tried braids once too, many years ago. Never again. Hated the feeling of having fake hair and I had braids that kept coming out. Natural is definitely better as long as you have a care regimen that works.
I’m with you! I would love to have a head of beautiful grey hair. However, I don’t think it runs in my family. I go natural, and it all has to do with laziness. My hair routine has 10 steps. 1) I get in the shower. 2) I add conditioner. 3) I wash myself. 4) I comb through my hair. 5) I rinse my hair. 6) Braid my hair. 7) Get out of the shower 8) Dry off (including my hair). 9) Unbraid my hair in sections and moisturize with coconut oil. 10) Continue my life. I’ve only tried braids once in the early 90s. It was awful. Took forever to put in. 3 months later, my head was so tender, taking them out was torture. I’ve never tried a weave. Before I went natural, I was constantly styling my relaxed hair. Going out took so much time & effort. Rain could ruin a good hair day. And it’s so much less expensive than relaxing or weaves. I’ve got my big toothed comb for the shower, conditioner, the occasional shampoo, and coconut oil. Natural hair fits my no-hassle style.