How to Advocate for Yourself After a Workplace Injury Posted on December 4, 2020December 4, 2020 By Leigh Langston Regardless of the type of job, workplace injuries can happen. It can be from an accident, sustained actions over time, or even events that lead to the development of a disease. If you are injured while at work, you should know your rights and make sure you receive the proper benefits. Report Your Injury When injured at work, you might wonder whether or not it is serious enough to report. However, reporting a workplace injury can bring many benefits to you and your fellow employees. The most important thing to remember, though, according to Pie Insurance, is to report it immediately. If you don’t report an injury on time, your employer may deny you medical treatment. This can also impact whether or not your insurance covers it. Similarly, your employer may dismiss the injury or claim it happened outside of work hours. Reporting your injury helps you get the benefits you deserve. Accurate reporting can also lead to investigations of why the injury happened in the first place which in turn can prevent future accidents for other employees. It may be necessary to have your injury reported in writing with a witness present. You can also depend on coworkers as witnesses to your injury. Apply for Workers’ Compensation After you report your workplace injury, according to The Hartford, you should apply for worker’s compensation. When you apply for workers’ comp, you are entitled to benefits that can help you through recovery. These benefits include coverage of medical costs, wages that may be lost, as well as the costs of ongoing care. Be aware that regulations can vary by state when it comes to applying for workers’ comp. For example, some states allow up to two years to apply. However, it’s safer to do it as soon as possible. Just be aware that it may take some time before you see these benefits since your claim needs to be processed. Keep Records In order to ensure that you get the proper benefits, and so you can maintain those benefits, you should keep accurate records. These records can be used as proof, should that be necessary. They can also be used in order to keep track of everything, just so you can be aware of what has and hasn’t been taken care of. You should consider keeping a variety of records, but some will be more important. According to Bruscato Law, medical records are some of the most critical records that you should be keeping. These records can be used to describe the severity of your injury as well as any treatment you’ve gone through. You should also keep records of your insurance in order to keep track of what you’ve already received. Be Persistent and Thorough No matter what, you deserve benefits and compensation. Just because the process is difficult doesn’t mean you should give up. Pursue what you are entitled to. You may need to be persistent when applying for benefits and ensuring that they come to you. Don’t be afraid to contact any relevant agencies multiple times to receive updates on your claim. It might also be a good idea to seek the help of a lawyer. Having a lawyer on your side can help you make sure you aren’t being taken advantage of. For example, your employer may try to push back or rely on your fragile state post injury. A lawyer can help you avoid these situations. They can also help to gather evidence to strengthen your case, such as interviewing witnesses. Become Informed According to FindLaw, when it comes to workplace injuries, there are many rules and regulations that must be followed. It can be difficult to navigate them and to know what steps you must take. It’s important that you educate yourself on these processes for many reasons. First of all, it allows you to move through the system smoothly and to ensure you are meeting all requirements. Second, being informed helps you to ensure that you are being treated fairly. You are entitled to certain benefits, so you want to make sure you are getting them.  Navigating the world of workplace injuries can be tricky, but advocating for yourself is so important. You can make sure you get the benefits you deserve and ensure that you are protected. Injuries are serious, so don’t just let it slide under the rug. Take control of the situation and make sure you are treated fairly. Read this next: Why 2020 is the Year Black Women Should Start a Business Like this:Like Loading... Related News how to advocate for yourselfwhat to do if you get a workplace injuryWorkers Compensationworkplace accidentsworkplace injury
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