How Black Women Can Bring Their Business Website in Line with Their Brand Posted on December 7, 2020August 19, 2021 By Leigh Langston Customers come to your company because of your products, but they choose to buy because of your brand. Your brand is how you connect with customers and earn their trust. As a Black woman, there are several ways that you can connect with your audience in a special way. A key place to establish that is your website. Showcase Your Values You have values as a person. As an entrepreneur, your business also has values. Let your customers know what those values are on your about page. List your values and then explain why they are so important. Personal experiences can help your audience really connect with you. Make sure that your values are reflected in the way you conduct your business as well. If you say that you value customer satisfaction, you need to have ways for customers to easily get in touch on your website. They should know that they can try your products and get help with problems hassle-free. Choose Images That Really Reflect Your Business The images that you use on your website are going to impact the way others perceive your business. Pick ones that align with your brand. While considering a photo, take a look at it and ask yourself. What feelings does this image invoke? Get a few other opinions before finalizing your decision. Real images represent your business better than stock photos and can showcase your brand more effectively. While taking your own photos, consider featuring your own employees. Using your own employees fosters a sense of loyalty and comradery that you won’t get from hiring models. Coordinate Your Colors Believe it or not, colors influence how we feel. Many fast-food chains use bright vibrant reds and yellows in their designs because it actually causes people to feel hungrier. You should select colors that help to invoke the right feelings in your customers. When you select your color scheme, you need to stick to it. The color formatting should be the same throughout your site so that it has a consistent feel. The colors that you use should be complementary to the ones that are used in your logo. A brand isn’t something that can be thrown together in a few minutes. It should be built through serious thought and consideration. A brand is like your business’s personality. Your website should show that personality so that people will begin to connect with it. Read more tips here: Young Industries That Could Use More Black Female Representation Like this:Like Loading... Related News brand marketingbusiness websitehow to grow your business onlinehow to make a business website
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News Tips for Perfecting Your Product Packaging Posted on September 27, 2022September 24, 2022 Creating a high-quality product is only one part of having a successful business. You also need a strong marketing strategy, a solid business plan, and funding to reach your target audience. However, there’s one area in which many business owners tend to under perform: packaging. Poorly packaged items turn people… Like this:Like Loading... Read More