5 Career Fields That Desperately Need Black Women Posted on August 8, 2022February 27, 2024 By Leigh Langston It’s no real surprise that Black women tend to be excluded from certain aspects of American life, which includes access to certain career fields. Research indicates that while Black women tend to be over-represented in fields such as social service, administration, and office support we are less likely to be employed in many other fields. As the world attempts its hand at diversifying the workplace, there are several career fields that could use a hefty dose of Black Girl Magic. Here are 5 career fields that desperately need Black women. Business The business world has generally excluded Black people, both as consumers and business leaders. We’ve seen it not only in the type of products offered (very limited options for hair care and beauty products specific to Black people, for example) and representation in marketing but also in the amount of Black-owned businesses and Black people leading corporate entities. The last few years have seen a cultural shift towards more inclusion and now is a great time to jump into the world of business. Black women can offer a fresh voice to the areas of leadership, marketing, and product creation, helping companies to touch base with a consumer population they may have been out of touch with. If the corporate world is not really your thing, think about opening your own business, which will give you not only flexibility and control, but also allow you to create something unique and of value for future generations. Healthcare Healthcare is an in-demand field, and many companies are looking to diversify their staff. But research indicates that African Americans make up only 17.5 percent of healthcare workers in total. Healthcare has a wide variety of positions and career choices from physicians and nurses to medical assistants to home health aides, therapists, pharmacy techs, and dental assistants. The amount of time to complete certification, as well as the range of pay will, of course, will depend on the position, but healthcare is a field that can reap rewards beyond monetary compensation. Construction and Maintenance The field of construction has typically been dominated by White males. Current industry representation holds African Americans at 7 percent. Black women can offer a change of pace, especially in the areas of architecture and construction company leadership. One of the major benefits of working in construction is the fact that it pays higher than many career fields and there are many opportunities for career advancement. Having more Black women at the helm of construction can provide many benefits for the company as well, including the innovation of outdated company policies and standards, paving the way for more women to rise in the field and increasing profit margins. According to Construction Dive, the construction industry has long struggled to recruit and maintain underrepresented demographics, particularly women and people of color. Women, who comprise less than 9% of the industry, can be discouraged from seeking a job in construction or staying in the industry due to the potential for an unwelcoming environment or a lack of effort to protect them on the job site. Law Studies indicate out of all racial and gender groups, Black women are the most underrepresented in the field of law. This statistic becomes even more troubling when considering the over-representation of Black and other people of color in the criminal justice system. Black women are needed in both the positions of prosecutors and defense attorneys to aid in a much-needed transformation of the criminal justice system. Outside of criminal justice, there are a variety of other high demand areas of practice, including corporate, labor and commercial law, as well as positions such as paralegal, legal secretary, conflicts analyst, and legal assistant to choose from. Engineering Black women represent less than 2 percent of those employed in the field of engineering. Adding Black women to the field can aid in the improvement not only in the field but also in communities of color. Engineering is a wide field with many career options, including drafting, civil service, agriculture, and biomedical. According to STEM Rules, we need to be intentional about increasing Black girls and Black women interest in, awareness of, and self-efficacy with regard to engineering. We need to make engineering more accessible by aligning the discipline with the interests of girls and young women, and show how engineering is used to improve the quality of life for communities and people which makes the discipline more appealing. Though Black women have been historically excluded from many career options, many industries are currently searching for ways to diversify their leadership and staffing roles. Exploring and engaging in the fields once denied to Black women can help to not only revolutionize those fields but explore Black girls and young women to aspire to any career field they choose. Like this:Like Loading... Related News best jobs for Black womencareer fields for Black womencareer fields that need Black womencareers fr Black womenjobs for black femalesjobs for Black peoplejobs for Black womenworkplace diversity
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